环球名师手把手带你攻破雅思口语part 3
2016-05-16编辑: cherry来自: 环球教育
这里还要给大家介绍一个环球教育口语名师的独家秘笈——“结构增强法”,指的是让大家从Part 3的语言角度来获得更赞的Grammatical range and accuracy(评分标准之一)方面的提升。
根据雅思口语历史上的所有高频Part 3题目分类,进行又准备的各种语法点的展现,考试直接带入即可在考场上“临危不惧”地使用了。而所有这些高频分类,环球教育名师早已花费大量的时间为大家妥妥地归纳和总结好了。环球教育雅思口语7+高分班中,大家就可以见到完整的真面目了。下面给大家展示出一个例子如下,供自学的同学进行参考:
当考生在Part 2遇到新题“a trip you dislike but often take一个你常去但又不喜欢的旅行”,回答时,烤鸭提到因为污染而不喜欢这样的旅行时,就可能被考官问到下面的Part 3问题:
What should be done in order to solve the problem of environmental pollution?
Candidate 1(无技巧型): I think governments ought to make better laws, and people’s awareness of protecting the environment should also be improved.
What should be done in order to solve the problem of environmental pollution?
Candidate 2(魔力药水型): If the problem of environmental pollution is urgent to be solved, both governments and individuals need to take their measures. Above all, what governments must do is to make better regulations to solve the problem radically. A specific instance is thatthe pollution from production in factories especially chemical factories should be restricted appropriately under the censorship of governments. In addition to it, what people must pay attention to is that their awareness of protecting the environment ought to be enhanced to a large extent as well. Accordingly, taking public transports in a more frequent way, people can make contribution to the reduction of car emission. Only when people work together, can the pollution problem be tacked effectively. (还用了倒装哦)
有了多样的句型,实现了grammatical range and accuracy(评分标准之一:语法多样性和准确性)的提前准备以及思路上的准备,是不是fluency and coherence(评分标准之一:流利度和连贯性)也会由于练习过而有明显进步呢?
