2016-06-14编辑: 环球教育来自: 互联网
【Test 4】
Passage One: Research using twins 题材:科技类
Summary: 本文讲述了双胞胎作为研究对象, 为研究基因和后天对人类的不同影响提供重要依据。
biomedical adj. 生物医学的
untangle vt. 清理;整顿;解开…纠结
ailment n. 小病;不安
heredity n. 遗传,遗传性
pinpoint vt. 查明;精确地找到;准确描述adj. 精确的;详尽的
fraternal adj. 兄弟般的;友好的
epigenetic adj. 后生的;外成的;渐成说的
segment vi.vt.分割n. 段;部分
fetus n. 胎儿,胎
rodent adj. 啮齿类的;咬的,嚼的;侵蚀性的n. [脊椎] 啮齿动物
embryonic adj. [胚] 胚胎的;似胚胎的
hardwired adj. 电路的
Schizophrenia n. [内科] 精神分裂症
Alternatively, by comparing the experiences of identical twins with those of fraternal twins, who come from separate eggs and share on average half their DNA, researchers can quantify the extent to which our genes affect our lives.
解析:这句话注意两个定语从句。who come from…为非限定性定语从句修饰先行词fraternal twins;to which…为限定性定语从句修饰先行词extent。
These two lines of research—studying the differences between identical twins to pinpoint the influence of environment, and comparing identical twins with fraternal ones to measure the role of inheritance—have been crucial to understanding the interplay of nature and nurture in determining our personalities, behaviour, and vulnerability to disease.
解析:这一段只有一句话,其实主干是The research is crucial to...破折号中间的句子解释research,是两个分词引导的状语从句,用and连接;后半句注意nature和nurture(教养)的区别。
Passage Two: An Introduction to Film Sound 题材:媒体类
Summary: 电影的声音是电影媒介基本元素之一。它使电影从纯视觉的媒介变为视听结合的媒介,使得过去在无声电影中是通过视觉因素表现出来的相对时空结构,变为通过视觉和听觉因素表现出来的相对时空结构。
synchronous adj. 同步的;同时的
asynchronous adj. [电] 异步的;不同时的;不同期的
merge vt. 合并;使合并;吞没vi. 合并;融合
physiognomy n. [地理] 地貌;外貌;面相;相面术
banal adj. 陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的
intrinsic adj. 本质的,固有的
whirlwind n. 旋风;旋风般的快速行动adj. 旋风般的
frenetic adj. 狂热的;发狂的n. 疯子;狂人
ominous adj. 预兆的;不吉利的
burglary n. 盗窃,夜盗;盗窃行为v. 入室行窃
ubiquitous adj. 普遍存在的;无所不在的
dissonant adj. 刺耳的;不谐和的;不调和的
menace n. 威胁;恐吓vi.vt.恐吓;进行威胁
salient adj. 显著的;突出的;跳跃的n. 凸角;突出部分
motif n. 主题;动机;主旨;图形;意
creaky adj. 发辗的;老朽的;叽叽嘎嘎的
In this way the film-maker was able to portray what Thomas Sobochack and Vivian Sobochack call, in An Introduction to Film, the ‘inadequacy of human responses when compared with the magnificent technology created by man and the visual beauties of the universe’.
解析:when compared with…要注意这里是一个省略句,主语是responses,与technology和visual beauties of the universe比较;最后created by man分词短语修饰technology。
参考翻译:这样电影制作人能够描绘Thomas Sobochack和Vivian Sobochack在《电影介绍》中所说:与人类创造的宏伟技术和宇宙的视觉美相比,人类的反应不足。
Synchronous sound effects are those sounds which are synchronized or matched with what is viewed.
解析:这句话的主语是Synchronous sound effects,表语是those sounds;后面which引导限定性定语从句修饰先行词sounds。
Passage Three: ‘This Marvellous Invention’
Summary:人类语言是人类最伟大的发明。人类借助于这种工具进行人与人之间的信息交流,或者更确切的说是进行人与人之间的感情交流、思想交流、经验与知识的交流、人类还可以借助于这种工具进行信息的记忆与思维。 题材:语言类
embark vi. 从事,着手;上船或飞机vt. 使从事;使上船
unparalleled adj. 无比的;无双的;空前未有的
distill vt. 提取;蒸馏;使滴下vi. 蒸馏;滴下;作为精华产生
eloquently adv. 善辩地;富于表现力地
magnitude n. 大小;量级;[地震] 震级;重要;光度
homage n. 敬意;尊敬;效忠
incongruity n. 不协调;不一致;不适宜
haphazard adj. 偶然的;随便的;无计划的n. 偶然;偶然事件
interminable adj. 冗长的;无止尽的
unravel vt. 解开;阐明;解决;拆散vi. 解决;散开
forager n. 抢劫者;强征队员
savannah n. 大草原,热带草原(等于savanna)
sprawl vi. 蔓延;伸开手足躺n. 蔓生;伸开手足躺卧姿势
exertion n. 发挥;运用;努力
expertise n. 专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见
outlandish adj. 古怪的;奇异的;异国风格的;偏僻的
monstrosity n. 畸形;可怕的东西;残暴
nifty adj. 俏皮的;漂亮的n. 俏皮话
contraption n. 奇妙的装置;精巧的设计
This marvellous invention of composing out of twenty-five or thirty sounds that infinite variety of expressions which, whilst having in themselves no likeness to what is in our mind, allow us to disclose to others its whole secret, and to make known to those who cannot penetrate it all that we imagine, and all the various stirrings of our soul.
解析:这是个复杂长句。which…allow us…是限定性定语从句修饰先行词expressions;whilst引导时间状语从句作插入语;who cannot…为限定性定语从句修饰先行词those。
参考翻译: 这个神奇的发明创作出二十五或三十种声音,无限多样的表情,虽然与在我们脑海中的不同,它让我们向他人透露它的秘密,使无法穿透我们所有想象的变为已知,和我们灵魂各种各样的萌芽。
But run them through the cogs and wheels of the language machine, let it arrange them in some very special orders, and there is nothing that these meaningless streams of air cannot do: from sighing the interminable boredom of existence to unravelling the fundamental order of the universe.
