2018-05-04编辑: 天空来自: 互联网
departures(起飞): flights that are leaving this airport
arrivals(到达): flights that are landing at this airport
liquids(液体): beverages(饮料)
expired(失效、过期): no longer useful (the date has passed)
check-in(登机手续办理处): show your ticket and ID and hand in your baggage
connection(转机处): the point where your plane lands and you must catch another plane
domestic(国内): in the same country as the airport
international(国际): in a different country than the airport
e-ticket(电子机票): a ticket you purchased online and printed from your computer
aisle seat(靠过道座位): a seat next to the long walking path on the plane
boarding pass(登机牌): the ticket you give at the gates (has your seat number)
metals(金属物品): items such as jewellery, coins, belt buckles, knives, keys
Is my flight on time?我的航班能准时起飞?
When should I be at the gate?什么时候登机?
Where is the boarding gate?登机口在哪?
Where is the washroom?卫生间在哪里?
Can I get a window seat?有靠窗的位置吗?
Is there somewhere to eat?有吃饭的地方吗?
Can I get a coffee at the gate?我能在登机口喝咖啡吗?
Where do I collect my baggage?在哪取行李?
Where can I find a taxi?在哪儿可以打到出租车?
Where is the departure gate?登机门在哪?
Where is the arrival gate?到达处在哪?
Where is the check-in desk for ….airlines?登机手续办理处在哪?
