2016-08-25编辑: 环球雅思来自:
restaurant 餐馆
dining-hall 餐厅
canteen 食堂
buffet 自助餐
café 小餐馆(无酒水)
cafeteria(self-service) 自助餐厅
pub 酒吧
a la carte (按菜单)逐道点菜
regular dinner 套餐
drive-in 路边餐厅(免下车)
bakery 面包店
pizzeria 比萨饼店
snack bar 小吃店
tavern 客栈
picnic (郊游)野餐
banquet 宴会
feast 盛宴
spread 大餐,酒席
alcohol 酒精饮料
beer 啤酒
beverage 饮料
brandy 白兰地
cider 苹果汁,苹果酒
cock tail 鸡尾酒
coffee 咖啡
liquor (烈)酒
mineral water 矿泉水
lager 淡啤酒
lemonade 柠檬汁
soda/ tonic 苏打水
whisky 威士忌
wine 葡萄酒
aperitif 开胃酒
strong drink 酒的总称
bacon 熏肉
barbecue 烤肉宴
beef 牛肉
crab 螃蟹
fillet 肉片
fowl 禽肉
grease 动物油脂
ham 后腿
jerry 肉冻
lamb 小羊肉
lard 猪油
lobster 龙虾
mince 肉末
mutton 羊肉
pork 猪肉
poultry 家禽
roast 烤肉
sausage 香肠
slice 肉的薄片
squid 鱿鱼
veal 小牛肉
venison 鹿肉
bacon 熏猪肉
tripe 牛肚
trout 鳟鱼
halibut 大比目鱼
salmon 鲑鱼
catfish 鲶鱼
carp 鲤鱼
haddock 黑红鳕鱼
pike 梭子鱼
cod 鳕鱼
eel 鳗鱼
herring 鲱鱼
mackerel 鲭鱼
shark 鲨鱼
aubergine 茄子
cabbage 包心菜
cauliflower 花椰菜
celery 芹菜
leek 韭菜
lettuce 莴苣,生菜
marmalade 柑橘
mushroom 蘑菇
onion 洋葱
potato 土豆
spinach 菠菜
tomato 西红柿
turnip 萝卜
cucumber 黄瓜
lentil 扁豆
pea 豌豆
radish 小萝卜
beetroot 甜菜
appetizer 开胃小吃
refreshments 茶点,小吃
dinner 正餐
salad 沙拉
desert 甜点
tea or coffee 茶或咖啡
yogurt 酸奶
wafer 威化饼
vinegar 醋
spice 香料
pepper 辣椒粉,胡椒的
curry 咖喱
condiment (辛辣)调味料
icing 糖衣
toast 烤面包
syrup 糖汁
sweet 甜食
confectionery 甜食
candy 糖果
toffee 脱脂糖(太妃糖)
soup 汤
consommé 清汤
broth (骨头)浓汤
leftovers 剩饭,剩菜
skimmed milk 脱脂牛奶
sandwich 三明治
roughage 纤维食品
pudding 布丁
pizza 比萨饼
pie 馅饼
oatmeal 麦片(粥)
milk shake 奶昔
bun 小圆面包
loaf (长条)面包
jam 果酱
marmalade 柑橘果酱
ice-lolly 冰棒
hot dog 热狗
honey 蜜
hamburger 汉堡包
foodstuff 粮食,食品
flour 面粉
dumpling 饺子
dough (生)面团
diet 日常饮食
staple 主食
cream 油脂,奶油
butter 黄油
margarine 人造奶油
chip/ french fries (炸)薯条
cookie 曲奇饼
biscuit 饼干
cutlery 餐具
ladle 长柄勺
knife 刀
fork **
spoon 勺匙
teaspoon 茶匙
are you ready for order?
may i take your order?
what would you like to _____?
would you like anything _____?
a pizza barber is a hamburger with tomato sauce and cheese.
is made with tomato sauce and cheese.
it 's a little spicy.
not too spicy.
very spicy.
it's very good. you'll like it very much
home stay 住在当地居民家中
dormitory 大学宿舍
flat 公寓
hostel 青年公寓
landlady 房东太太
landlord 房东
surroundings 环境
single room 单人间
double room 双人间
rent 租金
(un)furnished (不)配备家具的
furniture 家具
fitting 装置,家具
suite (一套)家具
furnish 布置
fit up 装备
decorate 装饰,布置
ornament 装饰,美化
armchair 配齐,装备
bookcase 书架
cupboard 碗橱
bureau 写字台
bench 长椅
settle 长椅
stool 凳子
deckchair 折叠帆布长椅
high chair 高脚椅
couch 长沙发
settee 中小型沙发
divan 木制软垫长椅
bedstead 床架
hammock 吊床
chest of drawers 五斗橱
bureau (卧室内)有抽屉的柜子
sideboard 餐具柜
cabinet 酒柜
facilities 设施
bathroom 卫生间
shower 淋浴
kitchen 厨房
air-conditional 有空调的
heater 加热器
central heating 中央暖气系统
refrigerator 电冰箱
microwave oven 微波炉
balcony 阳台
attic room 顶楼,阁楼
towel 毛巾
mattress 床垫
mat 地席,垫子
blanket 毯子
rug 小地毯
carpet 地毯
quilt 被子
bedspread 床罩
sheet 床单
pillow 枕头
pillowcase 枕头套
bolster 长枕套
bed line 被单和枕套
mat 席子
mattress 床垫
curtain 窗帘,帘子
drape 窗帘
drapery 有褶子的布料。窗帘布料
hangings 门帘,帷幕
wallpaper 壁纸,墙纸
canopy 顶棚,天棚
awning (窗/门上的)遮蓬
shutters 百叶窗
utensil 器皿,用具
ashtray 烟灰缸
bedside-lamp 床头灯
bowl 碗
comb 梳子
french windows 落地灯
kettle 水壶
mirror 镜子
radiator 取暖电炉
safety-razor 安全剃刀
scale 磅秤
toothbrush 牙刷
what's the rent?
how much is _______?
how much does ______ cost?
rent costs approximately ______.
the average water bill is _______.
two people need at least ______ for ______.
is there a _______? are there any ______?
dose it have a (any)_______?
how many _______ are there?
when can i _______?
how about monday?
why don't you come on _____?
can i see _______ this week?
