2019-01-31编辑: 长安来自: 环球教育
01-26 双边类大作文社会话题
Some people believethat women should play an equal role as men in a country’ s police force ormilitary force, while others think women are not suitable for these kinds ofjobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
anequal role as men:男女平等(做所有一样的工作,未必可行,如一些战斗岗位有明确身体要求),
policeforce or military force:警察和军队(关乎国家安全有关,不同于一般岗位,会有特别要求,女性无法达到)
Never has the discussion of genderequality ceased in many fields of the society. Now it is over to the militaryand police sectors to face the conflicting view whether women are entitled tothe same opportunities as men. To me, I would support the opinion that womenare not suitable for these positions due to the unforeseeable pitfalls.
Theoretically speaking, it is easyto understand why those feminists assert that women deserve the equal role as theirmale counterparts in armed forces. The first factor that contribute to thisassertion is the computerization in troops and police forces today, meaningthat many tasks are accomplished by recruits who sitting behind computerscreens rather than muscle-bound men in helicopters, a trend that makes itpossible for females to have their role to play. Also, other positions, say, medicalservice, intelligence analysis or supply management, do not have specificphysical thresholds concerning genders.
However, this is not how it looksin the eyes of opponents, who point out that the feminism does not work withall positions in military and police forces, while there exist some potentialproblems. For example, the combat units have stringent entrance requirement,such as strength, body power or endurance, most of which cannot be achieved byfemale members due to their physical disadvantage. Given this, it is notfeasible for women to pass these examinations which are beyond their physicallimit.
Another factor that should not beneglected is the potential maternity leave of female members, which is commonlyseen in ordinary business world but does not work with these special sectors, whichare pivotal to national security. How would a combat crew deal with anemergency with half of its member on parental leave?
In my opinion, although it is thepopular trend that women are playing increasing important role in many aspectsof modern society, it is not the time for all military and police units tocater to such trend when considering its negative impacts.
genderequality 性别平等
conflicting 相反的
beentitled to 有权
pitfalls 危害
Theoretically 理论上
Feminists 女权主义者
Assertion 观点
muscle-boundmen 肌肉男
helicopter 直升机
thresholds 门槛
stringent 严格的
feasible 可行的
maternityleave/parental leave 产假
caterto 迎合
It is overto the military and police sectors to face the conflicting view whether
It is easyto understand why
The first factor that contributeto this assertion is
However,this is not how it looks in the eyes of opponents, who point out that
Anotherfactor that should not be neglected is
It is notthe time for
Describe an important plant in your country
Describe a public facility that improves local life quality.
Describe something you complaint about but satisfied with the result.
Describe a person who try to protect the environment.
Describe an activity that you do when you are alone in your free time.
Describe a good law in your country.
Describe one of your grandparents' job.
Describe a kind of food people eat on a special event.
Task 1 地图题
Task 2
Although more and morepeople read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the most importantsource of news. Do you agree or disagree?
Task 1 饼图
Task 2
When new towns areplanned, it is more important to develop public parks or sports facilities thanshopping centers for people to spend their free time in. To what extent do youagree or disagree?
Task 1 柱状图
Task 2
Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give youropinion.
Task 1 折线图
Task 2
Some cities have fewcontrols over the design and construction of homes and office buildings. Peoplecan build in whatever style they like. Discuss about the advantages anddisadvantages of this.
Task 1 饼图
Task 2
Some people think that schools should select their pupilsaccording to their academic ability. Others believe that young people with differentabilities should be educated together. Discuss both sides and give youropinion.
Task 1 柱状图
Task 2
some people believethat spending money on developing technology for space exploration isunjustifiable, there are more beneficial ways to spend money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
