2019-02-26编辑: Hosea来自: 互联网
众所周知,雅思听力从内容方面可以划分为生活场景及学习场景。生活场景通常在Section One和Section two中考察,而学习场景通常在Section Three和Section Four中考察。然而图书馆场景是一个特例,从以往真题来看,它既在Section One中出现过也在Section Three和Section Four中出现过。下面来分析一下听力中的图书馆场景考点。
首先可以通过图书馆场景题目出现的位置来预判题目可能出现何种难点。Section One中主要的难点在于干扰信息。而Section Three和Four中之后,干扰信息会逐渐减少,反而同意替换将会逐渐增加。比如剑5Test2Section1的第4题:
Number of items allowed:(members of the public)_____________
此题出现在Section One中,应注意排除干扰信息。题目问的是来自于大众的会员可以借多少物品,属于图书馆提供的服务。显而易见的题干限定是用括号标明的members of the public,即为这题的题点。原文提及12 items if you are a student.后说的是however, it's only eight items for members of the public.因此12就是干扰信息,我们需要用members of the public来排除干扰信息,从而抓住正确答案8.
再来看看Section Three中,剑6Test4Section3的18-20题
Which THREE topics do this term's study skills workshops cover?
A An introduction to the Internet
B How to carry out research for a dissertation
C Making good use of the whole range of library services
D Planning a dissertation
E Standard requirements when writing a dissertation
F Using the Internet when doing research
G What books and technical resources are available in the library
此多选题的3个正确选项都对原文进行了同意替换: 选项C How to use the library’s resources. That includes everything not just the print and technical resources. 选项F This term it's finding research materials online. 选项E It’s a workshop on dissertations. It’s more to do with academic writing conventions,you know - writing a bibliography and how to refer to sources in your text。
