篡改国歌网红主播被封 英文素材送上
2018-10-16编辑: 长安来自: 环球教育
Speaking of a good law(好法律), I would love to talk about the National Anthem Law of the People's Republic of China. It affects every Chinese national who lives in and out of China. As for how I knew about this law, it's actually funny. A few days ago, I was surfing on the internet (在网上搜索信息)reading news. A piece of report got my attention. An online celebrity was punished for changing and singing our national anthem. It was reported that she performed the anthem lively through a live streaming platform. It was absolutely wrong that she did such an irresponsible and unlawful thing. To be honest, when I heard her voice singing the national anthem, I was shocked and kind of scared(被吓的经历) because of her indescribable voice especially her awful tone. At that moment, I had a heart attack and took some pills(吃药的经理). I'm not exaggerating. It's crazy that there are so many young girls who choose to be online celebrities by broadcasting some speechless contents. It was an accident that I heard her voice and read about this news. I regretted. However, I was also happy(最近发生的开心的事) because to some extent the result was optimistic due to the reason that her social account was suspended and many netizens expressed their attitude towards this intolerable behavior. I feel that most of Chinese netizens do have positive sense of values. So I'm very satisfied. There's one thing worth mentioning, which is that the website that published the article about this girl seemed to be a very interesting website(常用的网站). I didn't know it before, but after this, I started to use this website to read some hot articles related to the latest news. Now I look through this website once a day and keep myself updated about entertaining news.
This news also intrigued my curiosity to learn some more details about the national anthem law. One article of this law regulates that anyone who tampers the lyrics or the melody of the national anthem would be warned or arrested by the police. Personally, I believe that it is definitely a great regulation in order to remind those who do not respect the national anthem and those who want to make business profit out of this anthem. This young internet celebrity learned a lesson after this incident. Every single Chinese citizen should be aware of the importance of knowing and obeying the law. Besides, it's related to Chinese people's international image. We don't want to be ridiculed by foreigners, so we should be self-respected.
As for our national anthem, I want to say that it has always been my favorite song(最爱的一首歌). I remember I listened to the national anthem for the first time when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I was in the kindergarten and my teacher taught us to sing the song. At that time I was confused and innocent and didn't understand the background of this song. However, after I became a pupil and started to learn history and politics, I finally understood the meaningful lyrics and melody. Every single time I watch Olympic Games, I would shed a tear or two whenever they play our national anthem. Watching our Chinese gold medal winners standing there, staring at the national flag, singing the national anthem, my heart would beat so fast. At that moment, I am extremely proud to be a Chinese citizen. So, there's no doubt that it is my favorite song and I can't tolerate anyone to do anything bad about it.
