2016-12-08编辑: 环球雅思来自: 互联网
雅思听力考试题型Section 1
填的空好象是empty for____2 weeks,
switch on 1:wood heater,2 :fridge,rent___400
appartment no.maybe 78(iam not sure),phone no.(forget)
if you have more problems call___landlady(maybe)
1)Address No.--17A.
2)__weeks--5 weeks.
3)Rent: $__/week.
1) The price of hiring a cleaning maid :$__.
2) landlady's Tel. No.__.
6).7)switch on__,__ (2electrics)--water heater and refrigerator.
8).9)2 rules: must_before go outside--lock all windows; must not__after midnigh--play musict.10),Call__(Name) for further info.--Mr Roche
Passage1:搬家。女的要搬出来,男的要搬进去。注意听房租、电话号码、所要遵循的房屋规则:lock windows等,记不清了。
section 1
1, address: 17A
2. empty for: two weeks
3. clean women price: $(25)
4. rent: $(400)
5. telephone number: 889745
6. switch on: (water heater) and (fridge)
7. rules:must: close all windows/lock all the window
8. must not: (play music) at midnight
9. want more details call: landlady
雅思听力考试题型Section 2
section2:zoo structure,选择,填图,选择(好象4个),一道多选.
ask you this zoo use for what?(research or study or for public),
then a map,1___forest area,2.___rare fish3____market garden.
then choice,
1. 实验期关园多久 全年?little time ?
2. by what transportation you can tour all the zoo.by tram,bicyle,walking (他讲的快,所以只在下面tick will be ok and save time.)
3. what animals in it?goats hens ?(forget,so not sure)
4. 4why animals feed here? for breeding (not sure)
finally,miltiple choice,
ask you what you can do in reception desk?(two answer chosed)buy booking about animals ,about zoo,about others?soft toys?(i am not sure about my answer.so can not give them to confuse you)
1) 选择题,选开放此公园的main purpose,
2)-4)填空题.三个Area的名字--Forest Area; Fish Farms Area; Vegetable Area.做题前看清标志性建筑.
3) 开放时间,
7)饲养的动物种类,注意有小陷阱--hens and goats.
9)现在的季节可以看到的景象--bloom of flowers .
注意听7), 8),10),其他的很简单,跳入耳朵哦
Passage2:参观主题公园。该公园主题是:rearch and education.然后填图,注意地名,好象有fish farms,然后选择题。
a man introduces the zoo
there is a map of the zoo: a: forest area; b: fish farms; c: market garden
1. purpose: education and research
2. when doesn't open to the public: a short period of the year
3. species in rare animal area: goats, horses, hens --choose one.
4. what can you see at this time: demonstration of fishing
5. what you can buy, choices: soft drink, books about animals, soft toys, books about these areas,
variety of food. (choose two.)
