2016-08-24编辑: 环球教育来自: 环球教育整理
题目:Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, people need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Climate change, regarded as the most severe environmental issue across all nations, is being put growing emphasis by the public. Notwithstanding, some people, without carefully analyzing the fatal consequences that humans have to face, still hold the harebrained and blind opinion that human race is able to live with it.
Initially, negative impact brought by climate change will act on agriculture that humans live on. There is no gainsaying that climate is one of the basic conditions that agriculture considerably relies on. With the variation of climate, farm land will turn to be less productive, and furthermore some extreme weather can lead to dramatic decline of crop yield. Food security will be being threatened, and whereby stability of society will be under stress as well.
Worse, extinction of flora and fauna will be unavoidable as climate change can absolutely cause irreversible damage on ecosystem. Hereby, the systematic bio-chain will be totally broken, resulting in quite many species' disappearance. Human race has never been the only species on this planet in history, and human race at that time must feel guilty about the fact that other creatures on this planet are all killed directly or indirectly due to climate change that humans' activities spark off.
Last but not the least, the most deadly consequence of this issue is the constant rise of sea level since warmer weather is melting glaciers in polar region. Islands, seaside cities, countries and continents submerge one by one step by step, leaving Himalaya the only habitat for the whole human race. At that moment, the only belief that humans hold is hopelessness. There is no scientific evidence that can show humans are able to live in oceans.
It is not too late for humans to realize what will happen if people still do nothing to climate change. Unwarranted optimism can only bring about extinction of human race gradually.
