2016-10-10编辑: Jennifer来自: 环球教育杨亮
Some people think that libraries are waste of money, and computer technology is replacing functions of libraries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20161008
Tremendous changes are being brought by utilization of Internet technology in people’s lives, no matter whether people can be used to these variations or not. Majority of traditional parts of people’s lifestyle is being washed out step by step reluctantly or willingly. Libraries are doomed to disappear, inasmuch as main functions of libraries can be replaced by the advancement of related Internet technology.
For one thing, in the past time, libraries used to be institutes where people collected and analyzed information, and governments funded them with providing money for maintaining buildings and paying for staffs. Electronic libraries that do not require a real building at all can be run well with fairly less human power, and are able to offer extremely more extensive information than conventional ones. An enabled account makes users get an easy access to uncountable resources from all the world rather than just thousands of books that physical libraries can offer. Thereby, by no means can governments persuade tax payers that their taxation ought to be used to build huge buildings to keep books.
For another, some people still make a fetish of libraries as libraries, from their perspective, establish an atmosphere for reading via offering people places and chances of enjoying books. Most of those people must foster their reading hobby there, and thus they cannot stand libraries’ extinction in societies. Notwithstanding, electronic readers make it possible that people can read books whenever and wherever they want. With Internet connection, people are able to read millions of books by a small e-book reader as big as a smart phone. Getting an e-book reader out of people’s pocket, they can read no matter where they really are. Going to libraries for reading does not make any sense in this digital era.
Something comes and something leaves, and that is how our societies move on. Libraries’ dying out does not deprive people of reading, since high-tech makes reading easier and more convenient like what it always does to our lifestyle, and however libraries’ disappearance does ease governments’ financial burdens to some extent.
