2019-05-29编辑: Hosea来自: 互联网
重音,包括音节重音和句子重音,重点我们会放在句子重音上,其实大家如果练习雅思听力Section 4的强度够大的话会发现Section 4的填空题让你填的答案在句子中绝大部分都是被重读的单词,比如在剑10 Test 3 Section 4中,这个重音简直是在给考生送答案,”Promotion goals in different life situations emphasise achievement”,achievement简直被重读的太过明显,这个lecturer简直就是考生的亲爸爸。
首先,音节重音改变的话,单词的词性会发生改变,比如r e c o r d 读成/ˈrekərd/是名词,读成/rɪˈkɔːrd/是动词;desert读成/ˈdezərt/是名词沙漠,读成/dɪˈzɜːrt/则是动词抛弃的意思,还有一些会随着词性和拼写的变化而改变重音,来一波很有难度的练习,大家跟上。
policy politics political politician
photograph photographer photographic photography
necessary necessarily necessity
origin originality original
compete competitive competition competitor
接下来我们到句子重音,重音会让你的英语变得更有节奏感,如果重读错了句子中的单词,那别人可能会产生误解,比如 I went to the white house. I went to the White house,重音放在house上的话就是一栋普通的白色房子,而重音放在White上那就是白宫了。
合成名词compound nouns,两个独立的名词合在一起变成了一个词,通常前面的名词会被重读,来一起练习。
taxi driver computer programmer math teacher
bookmark credit card football airline pilot
有形容词修饰的名词,通常重读名词比如nice day small room blue eyes old man good job,两个形容词同时修饰一个名词时则重读第一个形容和名词,比如really nice day short black hair cute little girl,但是要注意,当形容词失去它原本的含义,和名词变成了一个新的词时,我们的重读要发生改变,下面这些词组就是大家需要注意的。
White House green house
hot dog blue jeans
high school green card
darkroom cold cut
Bluetooth high rise
动词:I worked out yesterday.
名词:I had a great workout.
动词:A lot of food was left over.
名词:We ate leftovers for lunch.
2018 11:45 $37.99
New York Central Africa North Dakota
Taylor Swift Katy Perry Bill Clinton Barack Obama Donald Trump
讲了这么多的重音和重读,那么在句子中我们重读什么呢?我们需要重读的是content words,就是有内容而不是搭建语法结构的词,通常是名词、动词、形容词、副词以及一些疑问词,还有助动词的否定形式也会被重读,即使我们把一些语法词去掉,比如人称代词、介词、连词、助动词、冠词、不定冠词这些通常会被轻读,这些内容词还是会让对方明白你到底想说什么。
比如went store morning,虽然没有说完整的句子I went to the store in the morning,但是别人还是知道你早上去了商店,通常句子中最末尾的词也是会被重读的,当然具体的语境肯定也会影响到说话者句子里的重音,接下来我们分别找一些例句来作为练习。
I like bacon and eggs.
I'll call you.
I like that car.
That was a good film.
He shouldn't try it.
I can't do it.
上面提到,我们在具体的语境中还是有针对性的去重读不同的词,上面的内容都是general rules,就是在没有特殊情况下的重读,实际情况当我们的感情和意图发生变化时,那我们重读的单词也会发生变化,大家一起来感受一下重音对于说话者意图表达的影响。
He washed my car yesterday.
He washed my car yesterday.
He washed my car yesterday.
He washed my car yesterday.
He washed my car yesterday.
Did you say inside or outside?
a.It's hot, isn't it?
b.It is hot.
a.Do you like Chinese food?
b.Yea, I do like Chinese food.
1 to
I'd like to go.
I need to talk to you.
I'd like to go to the park.
2 and
bacon 'n' eggs
black 'n' white
in 'n' out
3 for
Let's go for a walk.
This is for Bill.
I'm looking for books.
4 can
I can do it.
You can call me.
When can you come over?
5 as
I'm as hungry as a wolf.
I'll call you as soon as I can.
Keep it as long as you need it.
6 or
Is it this one or that one?
I'll do it today or tomorrow.
I'm leaving on Monday or Tuesday.
a.Hello, dentist's office.
b. I'm calling // to make an appointment // for a dental checkup.
a. I have an opening // on Tuesday // at 5 pm.
b. I'll have to work late // on that day. Do you have anything // on Fridaymorning?
a. I don't have anything // on Friday morning, but I do have // Fridayafternoon.
b. Hmm, let me check. I think I can make it. Yes, I can. I can make it.
a. Would you like three o'clock or four o'clock?
b. Four o'clock sounds good.
a. Will this be your first visit // to our office?
b. No, it'll be my second visit.
