2019-04-30编辑: 长安来自: 环球教育
04-27 混合类题型–社会话题
Some people think certain old buildings are worth preserving more than the other ones. Which types of old buildings should be preserved?Do you think the advantages of preserving old buildings outweigh the disadvantages?
Which types:哪些老房子值得保护(需给出明确细分)
the advantages of preserving old buildings outweigh the disadvantages:保护老建筑的利弊(老建筑是个抽象词,需要对老建筑具体化分类后才能讨论利弊,如历史建筑,和没有历史价值的危房)
The preservation of old buildings is one of the major concerns in the modern era, with the controversy about which types of constructions deserve to be protected. To me, it is those with historical and cultural background that need preserving, given their return in economic and study perspectives.
When it comes to the pros and cons of protecting old buildings, I would say that it depends on what types of structures we are talking about. For those dilapidated ones without historical value, I do not see any good reasons to maintain them. Rather, it is a waste of both taxpayers’ money and the scarce land resource in big cities. What is more worrying is the potential risks to the safety of people who live inside, considering the fact that most electric and heating systems in those dwellings have exceeded their design life.
Nevertheless, those with historical and artistic values are worth preserving in terms of their overwhelming advantages. Firstly, they are of paramount importance in the academic study of architecture, as many of these structures represent the certain architectural design, genre and construction technics of a period. Another key benefit we cannot afford to ignore is the economic rewards. These buildings are usually reckoned as landmarks of a place, which attract millions of visitors every year. By maintaining them, not only does the government make enormous profitsin tourism income, but also will create more job opportunities with the booming tourism, say, tour guides, hotels, restaurants, and taxi drivers.
In conclusion, it seems to me that it is those historical buildings that deserve our conservation, as their benefits in economy and study far outweigh the cost of protection.
prosand cons 利弊
dilapidated 破旧的
paramount 极重要的
architecture 建筑
genre 风格
landmark 地标
When it comes to the pros and cons of protecting old buildings, I would say that …
What is more worrying is …
Another key benefit we cannot afford to ignore is
