2016-10-10编辑: Tortoise来自: 环球教育整理
11 A time you helped someone 帮助别人的经历
12 Your favorite season/time of a year 最喜欢的季节或一段时间
13 A sport you would try for the first time/you want to learn 第一次想尝试的体育运动
/A sport that you have recently learnt for the first time
14 A situation that you felt alittle bit angry 生气
15 A difficult choice you made which turned out to be right/ A difficult but right
choice you made/一个艰难但是正确的决定/A difficult decision that you once made
16 A dinner that you had with your friends/ A dinner/meal you organized 朋友聚餐
17 A time you got up very early 早起的经历
18 A special short trip 特殊的短途旅行/A short journey which youdislike but you
often take 不喜欢但常有的短途旅行
19 An experience of communicating with aforeigner in English /The first time you
talked with someone in a foreign language 一次与外国人用英语交流的经历/与某人用
20 A traditional festival in your country 传统节日/ An interesting tradition inyour
country 有趣的传统(与 traditional festival 有相似之处)
21 A positive change in your life 积极改变
22 Something important you once forgot to do/Something you forgot to do 一件
23 An activity you do after school/work 业余活动
24 A mistake you made 错误
25 Something you learned from mistakes 教训
26 An activity you do in school time 学校活动
27 Something important for you to keep fit 保持健康
28 A piece of good news you got recently 好消息
29 An important skill you learned while youwere a kid 小时候学的技能
3 物品类
1 A piece of clothing that someone gave you / A piece of clothing given by
someone 别人送的一件衣服
2 Your favorite toy in your childhood/ A childhood toy you liked 儿时最喜欢的玩具
3 An interesting animal you saw 见过的有趣的动物
4 A product you bought which you felt happy with/ A product you bought and felt
happy about 买的比较满意的一个产品
5 Something you borrowed that was useful/ A useful thing that you borrowed 借过
6 Describe a gift that took you a long time to prepare. 7 A photo of yourself that you like 一张心仪的个人照片 / A photo you like most 最喜
欢的照片/ A photo you like most that someone took for you 别人给照的照片/family
photo 家庭照片
8 Something you ate once 吃过一次的东西/An occasion when you ate something
for the firsttime 第一次吃某物
9 An important/old thing(antique that your family kept for a long time 保留很久的
4 媒体类
1 Describe an article that you read from amagazine or newspaper 在杂志或是报纸上
2 An interesting story from a TV program 电视节目里的趣事/An interesting story or
novel you read 有趣故事或小说
3 Describe an educational TV program.教育节目
4 A song that impressed you a lot/ A special song/ meaningful for you 印象深刻的歌
5 A movie you enjoyed and would like to see again/ A film you enjoyed 喜欢的电影
6 Describe an article you read about healthy life.有关健康的文章
7 An App or a program 手机应用
8 A piece of local news that people were interested in 人们感兴趣的当地新闻
9 Describe a book you liked to read in your childhood. 童年喜欢的一本书
5 地点类
1 An interesting public place /an interesting place that the public want to visit 有趣
2 A place with a lot of water 近水之地
3 Describe a street you know well. 你熟悉的街道
4 A place you visited that has been affected by pollution /A place that was polluted
5 Describe your favorite park in your city(town)喜欢的公园
6 A big company you are interested in 大公司
7 Describe a garden you visited and liked.一个你去过或喜欢的花园
8 A small company that you think is successful 成功的小公司
9 Describe an ideal house.理想的房子
