2017-06-13编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 互联网
1. entertainment n. 娱乐
2. recreation n. 消遣,娱乐
3. time n. 时间
4. time-consuming adj. 花费时间的
5. leisure time 业余时间,休闲时间
6. free time 业余时间,休闲时间
7. spare time 业余时间,休闲时间
8. relax v. 放松
9. ground n. 场地
10. pleasure ground 游乐场
11. amusement park 游乐园
12. karaoke n. 卡拉 OK
13. show n./v. 演出;表演
14. puppet show 木偶戏
15. string n. 绳子
16. rope n. 绳子
17. skipping rope 跳绳
18. jumping rope 跳绳
19. swing n./v. 秋千;摆动
20. kite n. 风筝
21. flying kites 放风筝
22. chess n. 国际象棋
23. billiards n. 台球
24. parachuting n. 跳伞
25. skating n. 溜冰
Describe a type of entertainment you like
The entertainment I would like to see is a Broadway play, like those famous ones from New York. I've heard that The Phantom of the Opera is a famous one that is well worth seeing. Well, I guess I might need to go all the way to America to see one, but I have a feeling that there will one day be a grand performance in Beijing. Why not? You don't need that much English to be able to enjoy it, and Beijing certainly has the facilities. Perhaps it will come soon.
The basic features of these plays are incredible voices-I mean to sing like they do is not easy, and I know many famous signers and actors from America have tried but failed. Also they need to be graceful in their actions and decent at acting. These kinds of plays are usually visually very stunning, I mean a lot goes into making the setting wonderful. I heard for example that in The Phantom of the Opera there is a giant chandelier that comes crashing onto the stage, but that it is actually just a technical stunt. I think the reason I would like to see this is because I prefer seeing acting live and on stage. Also, I love singing, and I think if I were to see such a play it would stick in my mind for quite some time.
