雅思口语:Part1 Robots
2017-08-31编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 互联网
雅思口语Part 1的答题思路完全没有固定套路,你平时咋聊天,在考场上就怎么跟考官调侃(当然除了不会说的情况,if that is the case,就一定要挑自己会说的说)。在考到Robots话题的时候,你可以是科技狂魔,也可以是无知小白,看自己的爱好和科技储备就好了:
Are you interested in robots? Why? / Doyou like robots to work at your home?
Yeah, 'cause I'm a lazy person, I always dreamof having a robot who can help me do the householdchores and be an assistant. That way, life would bemuch easier, I mean, I don't have to do the boringand repetitive housework anymore. Plus, my robot can serve as a butler who can wake me upin the morning, take care of my schedule and remind me of important things.
Butler: the main male servant in a large house. 这个语境下可以理解为“私人管家”。
Do you want to take a car where robot is the driver?
Yeah, I believe in the technology, and I like this idea of hands-free vehicle. I'm confidentwith the safety. The best part is, I could do anything I want in the car, like studying or working, instead of focusing on driving, which is time saving.
Hands-free: (of a telephone, etc.) able to be used without needing to be held in the hand 例如:hands-free mobile phones
What sorts of things can robots do today? / What do you think robots might beable to do in people's homes in the future?
Well, for starters, like I said, they can help us clean the room, and they can also work as anassistant who can organize our daily schedule. And in the future, it's highly possible that theycould do more things for us, like being a babysitter or dog walker. And they may well keeplonely old people company when their kids are out working.
Will robots replace human being in the workplace completely?
Yes, with the development of artificial intelligence, it's highly possible that robots wouldbe capable of doing complex/complicated work. So people in the future should beconcerned about that.
Do you think robots might be dangerous in the future?
Yeah, 'cause they don't have any emotion, so if they were programed to do somethingharmful, they would definitely be a threat/they would definitely pose a threat to our society. For example, if there's a bug in the program or it is tampered with, it's very likely that theywould even kill their owners.
Tamper with something = interfere with something: to make changes to somethingwithout permission, especially in order to damage it. 例如:
Someone had obviously tampered with the brakes of my car.
How do you think robots will influence society in the future?
Well, I guess there would be positive and negative effects. I mean, people could definitelybenefit from having robots work for them. They could get things done much more efficiently. However, some people might lose their jobs if they don't have specialist knowledge. (Peoplewho don't have specialist knowledge might lose their jobs.) 'cause all those repetitive workhas been taken over by robots.
