2016-05-12编辑: 环球教育来自: 环球教育
1. 描述一个对你道歉的人( describe a person who apologized to you) part3 什么情况下人们道歉? 什么时候道歉了但不是真的mean it ?家人之间经常道歉吗?
2. 描述一个你敬佩的老人 ( describe a people older than you that you admire/ an older people you admire ) part 3 老人家一般平时都是做什么? 年轻人和老人能相互学习什么?
3. 描述一个你最好的朋友( describe one of your best friends ) when/how you know him/her ? what is she like ? what do you do when you are together ? and explain why he/she is your best friend part 3 friends are more important than relatives ? 人需要一个大的交际圈吗?有些人不善于交朋友,这对他们有什么影响? 有什么交友技巧可供他们学习吗? 男性的朋友关系与女性的朋友关系有什么不同吗?
4. 描述你认识的一个人他/她第一次搬到独立的一个住处的情况( who , why he/she moved to his/her own accommodation ? how does he/she think of the accommodation ? what problems she/he may encounter ? ) part 3 人们第一次搬出去自己住一般是什么原因? 人们自己住的时候会克服什么困难之前没遇到过的? 人们自己住需要什么skills ? 对于你来说在学校和在外面住有何不同的感受?
5. 描述一个你敬佩的领导人(describe a leader you admire ( for example , business, politics or sport ) part 3: what qualities should a leader have ? how to be a leader in the society ? how to be a leader in the society ? did leader have dis-moral value these days ?
6. 描述一个你喜欢的家庭(describe a family( not your own ) you like )part 3 家里谁说了算? 为啥? 家长应该具备什么样的特点? 为什么之前是三代人住在一次现在更多是两代人住在一起?
7. 描述你敬佩的一个创新的人(describe a person you admire ) part 3 tell me the benefits for kids to master a musical instrument ? are you are creative person ? could you name some creative jobs ?
8. 描述你想共处一个人(a person you want to spend time with )
9. 描述你的一个好品质(describe a good part of your personality or character )
1. 描述一个你借的有用的东西(describe a useful thing you borrowed ) part3 what Chinese people usually borrow ? Will borrow thing make people uncomfortable ? How to do when you do not want to borrow ?
2. 描述一张自己的照片 ( describe a photo of yours ) part 3: 喜欢照相么? 现在的人用什么照相? 为什么人们喜欢照相? 现在的照片多还是以前的相片多? 为什么有些人不喜欢照相?
3. 描述一件别人给你的衣服(describe a clothes someone gave to you ) p3 why people in different countries wear different clothes ? possible all people wear the same clothes ? why do people like uniform at work ?
4. 描述让你满意的产品(describe sth. You bought you were pleased with ) p3 经常购物吗? 以前与现在相比购物方式有什么不同? 网购这么方便为什么还要建大型购物商场?人们为什么要买奢侈品? 你觉得价格贵的产品质量就好嘛? 认为降价怎么样?哪些地方可以讲价?
5. 描述一个有趣的故事或者小说( describe an interesting story or novel ) p3 . why detective stories are so popular ? the difference between paper books and e-books ? which one is popular now ? do you think paper books will be old fashioned in the future ?
6. 描述一个童年玩具(describe a toy you played in your childhood) ( what it is , who gave it to you, what does it mean to you ) part 3 . Should parents buy their children expensive toys ? why do some people collect toys ? 有些时日的玩具是不是依然是worthy ?
7. 描述第一次吃某种食物的经历( describe a kind of food that you ate at your first time ) part 3 人们对食物的态度(中国人喜欢吃什么样的食物? 是否年轻人更愿意尝试没吃过的食物? 还有父母老师对孩子在食物方面的教育等等 你喜欢吃什么? 中国有什么特色的快餐? 年轻人爱吃什么?老年人爱吃什么? 长大以后口味会有变化吗? 为啥? 中国学生爱吃什么?
8. 描述一个app( describe an app on mobile phone or computer Part 3 young and old people use the same app Should parent limit child use app? What app is popular in china?
9. 描述你家保存的一个重要东西(describe sth. Important kept for a long time in your family ) part 3 博物馆怎么使人受教育? 中国人怎么维系情感? 老年人和年轻人喜欢什么东西? 为啥?
10. describe a thing you shared with othersYou should say:When you sharedWho you shared withWhy you shared with the personHow you felt when you shared
P3 孩子应该分享东西和others? 和别人分享accommodation ?
