2019-02-13编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 互联网
雅思写作7分在这一项要达到has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a fewerrors. 6分在这一项的评分标准是make some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarelyreduce communication. 5分在这一项的评分标准是may make frequent grammatical errors andpunctuation may be faulty.
1.A comma is used in a compound sentence before the conjunction orconnective (and, but, or, for, so, nor, or yet)
a. We were tired, and we decided to have a rest. (and并列复合句用逗号)
b. Journalists have long been regarded as the conscience of society, buttoday many of them find it increasingly difficult to present factual newsstories. (but并列复合句用逗号) 雅思作文经典句子再现
2.A comma is used after an adverbial clause or phrase before the subject ofthe sentence or in the middle of the sentence.
a. In the ancient palace, they saw the throne where emperors used to sit.(状语短语在句子中用逗号)
b. At lease for the foreseeable future, books will continue to be easier onthe eyes. (状语短语在句子中用逗号)雅思作文经典句子再现。
