2017-09-19编辑: 天空来自: 互联网
Section Two
场景 活动介绍
题型 单选 4,配对 6
内容概述 野生动物志愿者组织的介绍
单选 4;
B. introduce animal to the wild world
12.参加这个活动的 volunteer 需要什么条件 C. medical test
C. only accommodation
14.参加活动的人将很难适应的是 B climate
配对题 6
15.make friend
16.wild animal
17.career prospect
场景 场馆介绍
题型 单选 6,配对 4
内容概述 科技博物馆
单选 6
11. 哪些人参加了问卷
12. 共同点:都带了小孩
13. 马上要推出什么:选 B. plants
14. 变化,选 cafe
15. Cinema 还有什么用途?选开 party
16. 员工应该干什么?选 B. 帮忙想办法筹钱
配对 4
17. 选 suitable for all ages
18. 选 takes hi-tech effects
19. 选 show first time in the city
20. 选 new technology
场景 地点介绍
题型 地图 5,填空 5
内容概述 总统山介绍
地图 5
11.花费:1 million
12.目的:develop tourism
14.命名:lawyer 命名的
15.用峙:7 years
配对 5
16. Information center: photography
17. refreshment
18. souvenir
19. workshop
20. visitor centre
场景 地点介绍
题型 单选 6,配对 4
内容概述 介绍新西兰的一个景点 Gisborne
单选 6:
11. main topic of this speech: economy A
12. M 这个地名的起源是:EAST COAST A
13. 一开始这个叫 M 的地方出口什么? Farm
14. 现在主要向亚洲出口: A
15. 举办 concert: B
16. 下雨天做什么: A
配对 4:
17.Hot spring: married couples
18.第二个: young adults
19.第三个: primary school students
20. 第四个: disabled people
Section Three
题型 填空 4, 多选 6
内容概述 两个学生讨论关于选修课程的事,会计和日语,一个 accounting course,一个是Japanese
多选 5
21-23. 女孩选择这门课程的原因是: important for the future job optional for the
degree visit off the campus
24-25.the describetion about the course: broad focus challenging content
填空 5
27.Enjoy learning vocabulary
28.But it is difficult of grammar and
30.The teacher sometime ...that is strict/unapproachable
题型 单选 5,配对 5
内容概述 口述的足球对历史 Manager and team members telephone interview
单选 5
21.Where did you find the definition of “oral history”?
C. handouts from previous lectures
22.What is the most important influence from internet on oral history?
A. permanent records
23.Why does Mike choose this topic?
B. his father loves football
25.What are the problems with Mike’s proposed report?
配对 5
A.Not reliable
B.Too long
C.Too noisy
D.Too short
E.Too factual
F.Too complicated
G.Too vague
26.***** ----- F
27.Time ----- B
28.Recording equipment ----- A
29.The topic ----- G
30.Proposed report ----- E
Section Four
学科 科技
题型 填空 10
内容概述 有关 bionomics 仿生学的,人从自然和昆虫(蜘蛛)中获取技能。
填空 10
31. Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill spider.
32. silk which is stronger than steel.
33. finer than human hair application
34.environmentally friendly equipment for fishing
35. treat sports (athlete) injures
36. medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal) pain.
37. Problem: noise of a train
Owl : artificial skill
38.skatingboards used by Olympic
39. vibration on plane and end of a tunnel
40.reduce the loss of energy
题型 填空 10
内容概述 一个男生介绍如何做演讲
31. 演讲者会变得更紧张,people get more nervous if the speech is important
32. The speech is not a gift 天赋 but can be learned by people.
33. 说昕众往往记住你的 audience will only remember the last thing you said
34. 确保你的演讲内容 be well-organized
35. Don't start your speech until audience pay attention
36. 你可以把你的大意记在 card 或者 you can make your notes on cards or a sheet of
37. don’t need to write speech in full
38. 可以只写 just one or two ideas
39. 记住要 time yourself
40. 不要 just read your talks
