雅思口语Part1 mobile phone 话题的延伸
2016-05-23编辑: 环球教育来自: 环球教育
mobile phone/cell phone话题在雅思口语考试中算是常规话题,出现频率较高,难度一般。那么到今天已经确认了,这道题会延续到这个变题季的结束之日。所以那些之前没覆盖到的同学们,现在就来领取喽!
首先来简单说下手机的分类,如下几个单词大家可以作为参考:flip phone (翻盖手机), slide phone (滑盖手机), bar phone(直板手机), phablet (平板手机), smart-phone (智能手机), feature phone (非智能手机, 功能型电话)等。
1、What do you often use your cell phone for?
What I use every day is a smart phone that is quite multifunctional, so I can use it for doing whatever I want. For instance, I can use it to purchase something on line like train tickets and even some daily necessities. Additionally, of course I often use it for communicating with whoever I want to talk with.
2、Tell me something about the first cell phone you used.
第一部手机,从题面上不难看出,此题在回答过程中时态调整应该是比较需要考生注意的一部分。通常而言,考生的第一部手机可能是Nokia, Anycall等。除了品牌之外,手机的类型和功能甚至是由来也需要考生简单的描述一番。
It was a slide phone of Nokia that I had used for over 3 years in my primary school. By using it, I could listen to music and call or text my friends. What impressed me most is its strong battery capacity, and I still can remember that I only charge it once a week.
That was the cell phone that I can never forget, and as a matter of fact I got it on my birthday party as a gift from my parents. I had wanted it for quite a long time until my parents thought I was old enough to own a cell phone. It was the feature phone with which I could only do limited things like calling and texting to my friends, listening to music as well as reading some news.
3、How has mobile phone changed your life?
A mobile phone is something that brings great convenience to my life, and as I said there are plenty of things I can do with it. There is no one who can deny that our life is being changed by using mobile phones. By using it, we can communicate with who are thousands of miles away from us and we are able to buy things from shops on the other side of the earth.
On the other hand, some people’s life is being changed negatively by using cell phones in an improper way. For students, cell phones are the most attractive interruption of their study since most of young students cannot help checking their cell phones excessively frequently. As for people with a job, most of them have got psychological dependence, and therefore they always have an illusion that they feel as if their cell phones were ringing all the time.
