2015-10-10编辑: 环球教育来自: 环球教育
2015年8月13日雅思听力机经考题回忆 ——来自环球教育教研中心&环球教育广州学校闵翔老师 |
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Section one | Version | 场景 | 题型 |
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待定 | Child care center | 填空10 |
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内容概述: 从英格兰搬到新西兰的一家人 咨询儿童看护中心 |
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答案回忆: 1. 两岁以下孩子交多少钱17.5$ 2. 每星期有多少个小时免费20 hours free 3. 老师在primary school有教学经验 4. raincoat 5. 孩子需要带family photo 6. doctors’ certificate 7. 孩子入园时间:September 10. Colliope avenue Lake Road Child care center (答案仅供参考待补充) |
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Section two | Version | 场景 | 题型 |
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130119 | Museum | 单选6 配对4 |
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内容回忆: 受邀参观一个博物馆 |
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答案回忆: 11-16 单选题: 11. 为什么人们参加:survey 12. what’s the change?:选cafe 13.可以收到的 electronic 14. 10月份课内容关于plants (not bird or insects) 15. Cinema还有什么用途?选party 16. 员工应该干什么?选B. 帮忙想办法筹钱 17-20 搭配题 17. 选suitable for all ages 18. 选takes hi-tech effects 19. 选show first time in the city 20. 选new technology (答案仅供参考) |
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Section three | Version | 场景 | 题型 |
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待定 | 学术-课时讨论 | 配对
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内容回忆:英国文学作品匹配对课程的满意度 |
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答案回忆: (待补充) |
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Section four | Version | 场景 | 题型 |
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110122 | 学术 | 填空 10 |
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内容回忆: 盐的历史History of Salt |
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31. Salt is essential for the health. 32. English word ‘salary’ derived from the Latin word. 33. The fresh meat is available in October only. 34. Animals are fed in the local surrounding forests during the summer. 35. Record (1573) has been used widely: we can tell from the diet of King of Sweden. 36. Beer consumption is large because the food was so salty. 37. Sweden needs to protect its shipping to import commodity. 38. Salt sources: from basin XX in desert locations 39. Salt from spring water is more concentrated and purer. 40. Salt trade became a nature mean of transport. (答案仅供参考) |
2015年8月13日雅思阅读机经考题回忆 ——来自环球教育教研中心&环球教育广州学校闵翔老师 | |||||
Passage One | 新旧情况 | 题材 | 题目 | 题型 | |
New | 考古研究
| 秘鲁 怪图
| 判断题8 填空题5
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文章大意:猜测这个图的含义,揭秘玛雅人消失的原因 | |||||
答案: 判断题(8) 1. 关于这个怪图有很多种猜测,T 2. 人们至今仍相信某德国科学家的理论, F 3. 后来两个科学家联合的考察研究是所有研究里是最全面详尽的,NG 6.科学研究证明某一种图样是让人walk along F 7.a link 某某和水的重要性 ,T 填空题(5) 填空题,他们的pottery是彩色的,因为运用了一些材料, 生活方式很绿色,会把rubbish放进建筑材料里 会使用wells井来获取地下水 会剥开stones,露出下面的sand (答案仅供参考) | |||||
Passage Two | 新旧情况 | 题材 | 题目 | 题型 | |
Old |
动物类 |
Bird Migration | 标题匹配7 多选2 句子完成4 | ||
文章大意:鸟类的迁徙 | |||||
参考答案: Question 14-20
14. Paragraph A --- iv 15. Paragraph B --- v 16. Paragraph C --- ii 17. Paragraph D ---x 18. Paragraph E ---vii 19. Paragraph F --- i 20. Paragraph G --- viii
Question 21-22 Choose TWO letters, A-E. Write the correct letters in boxes 21 and 22 on your answer sheet. Which TWO of the following statements are true of bird migration? AC A. Birds often fly further than they need to. B. Birds traveling in family groups are safe. C. Birds flying at night need less water. D. Birds have much sharper eye-sight than humans E. Only shorebirds are resistant to strong winds.
Question 23-26 Complete the sentences below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage. Write your answers in boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet. 23. It is a great mystery that young birds like cuckoos can find their wintering grounds without parental guidance. 24. Evidence shows birds can tell directions like a compass by observing the sun and the stars. 25. One advantage for birds flying at night in that they can avoid contact with predators. 26. Laboratory tests show that birds can detect weather without visible signs. (答案仅供参考) | |||||
Passage Three | 新旧情况 | 题材 | 题目 | 题型 | |
Old |
科技类 | taste buds | Summary 6 判断题4 单选 3
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文章大意:味蕾感知和味道区域划 | |||||
答案: summary 苦味可以判断食物decay,甜可以安全可吃consumption,以前的人收集食物很危险,因为有狮子等predators 人们后来喜欢吃酸的食物,in this sense/light,答案待定)。 单选 2 作者描写某Z科学家的实验,目的是证明之前的理论错了 3 作者写这篇文章的目的是为了告诉读者一项研究结果 (答案仅供参考待补充) |
图表类型: | Pie charts |
作文题目: | The types of books sold by the bookseller between 1972-2012 |
作文图片: | (图片仅供参考) |
作文题目: | International travel make people prejudiced more than board-mind,why? How to improve the understanding of countries they visit? |
题型类别: | 报告类 |
题材类别 | 旅游 |
类似旧题: | 08.08.21 International travel sometimes makes people more prejudiced rather than board-minded. Give out reasons why it cannot bring benefits to those visitors. Do you have ways to improve people's understanding of the countries they visit?
10.06.26 International travel often leads people to have some prejudices rather than broad-mind. What are the main reasons of this phenomenon? What do you think people can do to get better understanding of the countries they visit? |
