2016-12-26编辑: 环球雅思来自: 互联网
2016年即将接近尾声,新一年驾到!在这一年里年初的梦想实现了多少?遇到哪些新问题呢?面临2017年1月雅思首场考试的变题季你是否已经做好准备了呢?环球小编给大家整理了一些2017年1月雅思口语变题季的话题素材,有需要的 同学可以先练习起来,详细内容接着往下看吧!
Part 1 一级重点
study or work- 学习还是工作,喜欢你的专业吗,为什么选这个专业,专业跟你预想的一样么 ?
Hometown- 家乡哪里,家乡有哪些东西你 ( 不 ) 喜欢,以后还会在家乡居住么,喜欢近水之地么 ?
Living- 住公寓还是别墅,透过窗户能看见什么,喜欢哪间房间,想改变家里的什么 ?
Name- 中国人起名字有何讲究,中文全名是什么,未来想要换名字么 ?
Color- 喜欢什么颜色,小时候喜欢什么颜色,朋友们都喜欢什么颜色,装修不想要用什么颜色 ?
Chocolate- 喜欢吃巧克力么,小时候喜欢么,送过人当礼物么,为啥巧克力受欢迎 ?
Bag- 你有很多包么,买包会注意什么,会在不同场合背不同的包么 ?
Visitor- 喜欢家里客人来么,会为客人准备什么,一般谁来,你喜欢去别人家做客么 ?
Family- 一般跟家里人在一起干什么,喜欢跟家里人住一起么,在家比较像谁 ?
Park- 喜欢去公园么,中国人喜欢去公园么,多长时间去一次 ?
Gift- 一般什么时候送礼物,觉得送礼物难选么,会手工做礼物么,送贵的礼物好么 ?
Flower- 喜欢花儿么,家里种花了没,一般什么时候送花,花有啥特殊含义 ?
Walking- 喜欢步行么,不行去上学 / 上班么,步行的有趣经历。
Singing- 喜欢唱歌么,中国人喜欢么,小时候学过唱歌么 ?
Teacher- 最喜欢的老师是哪个,以后想当老师么,有没有教过别人的经历 ?
Outdoor activity- 喜欢户外运动么,小孩子该去户外活动么,喜欢晴天么,天气不好一般干嘛 ?
Hat- 一般什么时候戴帽子,在中国一般什么时候戴帽子,为啥有人不喜欢戴 ?
Painting- 喜欢画画么,看过画展么,学过画画么 ?
Birthday- 喜欢跟家人还是朋友过生日,中国人一般怎么过,小孩子怎么过,生日重要么 ?
Advertisement- 喜欢广告么,一般在哪看到广告,有过看广告买东西么 ?
Noise- 周围有噪音么,会对你有影响么,喜欢什么声音 ?
Computer- 电脑对学习有用么,想学那些电脑技巧,喜欢打字还是写字 ?
Transport- 喜欢做公交还是出租车,家附近交通方便么,坐过长途客车旅行么 ?
Photography- 喜欢拍照么,旅游带相机么,喜欢拍照还是录像 ?
Reading- 喜欢看书么,哪本书读过很多次,读电子书么,小孩子应该看书么 ?
Weekend- 周末一般都干嘛,会出去玩么,周末会不会去电影院 ?
Newspaper- 喜欢看报纸还是杂志,第一次看报是什么时候,报纸在未来会消失么 ?
Team work- 团队合作的优缺点,喜欢一个人做事还是一个小组,喜欢当领导么 ?
Traveling- 喜欢出国旅游么,多长时间旅游一次,哪次比较难忘 ?
Handicraft- 小时候上过手工课么,手工课重要么,你以后想学做什么手工 ?
Sport- 喜欢运动么,年轻人运动跟老人的区别,喜欢看什么运动项目 ?
Celebrity- 喜欢名人么,见过名人么,你们国家有哪些名人 ?
Bicycle- 喜欢骑车么,小孩子喜欢么,睡觉的,你们城市骑车的人多么 ?
1. Are there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, in yourhometown)?
首先大家必须要先具备一些关于gardens/parks的词汇:amusement park 游乐园botanic garden 植物园national park 国家公园theme park 主题公园
本文在这里以南京玄武湖为例,大家可以结合自己家乡的情况举一些例子,再和雅思考官考官描述公园里有什么、可以做什么、带给你怎样的感觉。I guessthere are, there are many parks and public gardens in my hometown, like Xuan Wupark, Mo chou park, and I think the biggest and the most beautiful one is XuanWu park, people can do all sorts of things in the park, like jogging, taking awalk, boating and things like these. It's pretty fun for all ages of people.
2. Do you often/ ever go to a park or a (public) garden?
trend 趋势
jog 慢跑walk my dog 遛狗
square dancing 广场舞
一种是经常去,可以结合当下比较流行的趋势,朋友圈都很喜欢刷跑步、健身的图片,可以解释为:I definitely often go to a park and/or gardens, the most common thing I would do is to jog there, take a walk after meal since it's a trend now or just walk my dog in the gardens, so I would spend an hour or two in the park/garden everyday.
二是不是特别经常去。可以解释为现在很多公园晚上都会有老人们在跳广场舞(你们懂得),会比较嘈杂拥挤,我们会不是很愿意去:I don't like to go to the park or public garden so often, since the park or public garden nowadays are full of people, mostly elderlies do square dancing there, so I think the park's environment is not as good as I thought it would be.
3. When do people go there?
tourist attractions 旅游景点vibe 氛围,感受natural scenery 自然景观
这个问题还是比较大的,所以大家可以把人群分类:游客:the tourists from other cities would go there onpublic holidays, coz the public gardens and parks are tourist attractions, so people would go to the parks and gardens to see the natural scenery and get the city’s vibe.
老年人:most of the elderly people would spend one hour or two in the early morning or after dinner in the park and public gardens to exercise and do square dancing.
年轻人:as for the most young people, there is a trend for health-keeping andexercise nowadays, so a lot of young people would choose to jog in the evening,maybe around 8-9pm at night.
4. Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city? (Why?/Why not?)
这道题还是从正面角度去描述会比较方便:作为城市的风景 as the attractive sceneries of the city作为人们的聚集地community gather in the parks and gardens作为环保的地域也有好处 green spaces are of great part of the park and public gardens, somehow are beneficial to the environment.Well, I think parks and public gardens are important to a city, as theattractive sceneries of the city, they represent the city and when tourists seethe breathtaking views of gardens, they definitely will think highly of the city, besides, as they are the places for the community to gather together, for the kids to play in, for the family to have picnic and BBQs in.so…
