2017-09-12编辑: 天空来自: 互联网
indoor games
1.Do you play any indoor games?
Does Dungeons & Dragons count? If so, I am in a D&D group every Monday night. We play indoors. 2.Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?
I think i like both, shouldn't i? I mean i like playing soccer or basketball outside or going to the beach or things like that but i also love play some video games and chess as well.
3.What indoor games did you play when you were a child?
As a child I enjoyed playing chess. I think chess is probably the best known board game in the world. I was probably seven or eight years old when I started playing, and it seemed like a very mysterious and intellectual game at that time.
4.Is there any particular indoor game that you liked (when you were a child)?
As a child I enjoyed playing chess.I remember that it was a classmate of mine at primary school who first taught me to play chess.I liked playing chess because I enjoyed the challenge of thinking ahead and trying to outwit my opponent.
5.What sorts of indoor games do children play now?
Nowadays, children do not play as much sport as in the past, and many like to sit at home and play computer games instead.
You home家
1.Where do you live?
I live on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City, in a district called Tan Phu, about 15 km from the city centre.
2.Do you live in a house or a flat?
I live in a 3 bedroom flat on the 11th floor of a big apartment building.
3.Who do you live with?
I live there with my wife and little baby son.
4.Is it a big place?
It’s pretty big for a flat. It has 3 large bedrooms, one for my wife and I and one for my son when he gets older. It also has a smaller bedroom that I use as a study and to store things in. The kitchen is small but it is part of a big open plan living room, so there is lots of space for the family.
5.What is your favourite room?
That would have to be my study because it’s the only room that I can get peace and quiet in. When I’m in there my wife knows I’m working, so she leaves me alone and I can concentrate on my work.
6.How is your apartment decorated?
I don’t like lots of over the top decoration, so I guess you would describe it as minimalist. The walls are all white and the furniture is also either white or black. There are very few ornaments or pictures because again, I like to keep things quite minimal and I hate clutter.
7.Is there anything you would like to change about your flat?
I would like to have a big balcony. We have a sort of balcony at the moment, but we mainly use it for washing and drying clothes. It would be really nice to have some tables and chairs on a proper balcony, with maybe a few plants, so we could sit there in the evenings and relax.
8.Do you plan to live there for a long time?
I really like where I live but it is really far from where I work in the centre of town. It takes around 45 minutes to drive there by motorbike and in the hot season and wet season it can be really uncomfortable, so we will consider moving closer to the centre in a year or so.
9.Do you have a garden?
That’s the best part of where we live, we have a huge garden. It takes around 40 minutes to walk around it. It has a few play parks for the kids, a number of gyms and four small lakes. We are really lucky to have it and I try to go for a walk around it every day, if I have time.
10.Are there many amenities?
Not really, because it is on the edge of town. If you want to go for a nice meal, use a swimming pool, go shopping or head out for a drink, you really have to drive for about 30 minutes. That’s the major drawback, but if you are organised and buy everything when you are in the centre of town, it’s not so bad. ...
