2016-03-10编辑: 环球教育来自:
On the strength of compelling and convincing research, scientists nowadays state
that varieties of language and culture have been becoming victims of global econo
mic growth, especially in the developing country. As I see it, what with the exte
rnal and the internal factors, China is not an exception.
Firstly, globalization inevitably accompanies with the fade of cultures and lingu
istics. For instance, technology has now created the possibility and even the lik
elihood of a global culture. The Internet, satellite, and cable TV have swept awa
y the old national cultural boundaries. Moreover, the competitions between countr
ies are more and more furious. If a product is not linguistically and culturally
appropriate, it may not sell at all.
Secondly, policies of opening and reforming in China contribute to the issue in s
ome degree. Nowadays, Chinese government introduces some preferential measures to
encourage foreign merchants and companies investing in China, so as to absorb th
eir advanced technology and management. However, the foreigners surely immigrant
their alien cultures into China, such as fast food culture, which challenges our
domestic Chinese food.
Last but not the least is self-neglect, especially of the young. They are pretty
hooked on imitating alien cultures and languages inasmuch as they regard those ar
e tidal current, while the essences of their own will unconsciously be dying out.
Suffice it to say that many of them can sing many English popular songs while ca
nnot sing any Beijing opera.
In conclusion, culture and language in their various forms now serve as primary c
arriers of globalization modern values. In my submission, we should reckon it rat
ionally, namely discarding the dross and selecting the essential.
