2017-01-20编辑: Jennifer来自: 环球教育林迁
Event & Experiences 事件&经历篇
1. Describe sth. You are waiting for (描述一件你正在等待的事情,what is it , what did you do during the waiting , what you felt during waiting, what does it mean to you). Part 3: 等待好么? 耐心. 人们每天都在等什么? 每天有什么事情需要等待?人们比过去要有耐心么?why do people dislike waiting ? Do you think people have to have patience ? Is patience always a good characteristic ? Do you think children have more patience than adults ?
2. Describe an interesting bicycle /car trip (描述一有趣的乘车的旅行) p3: bicycle and motor bicycle 的选择,为什么选择,城市交通和农村交通的区别?
3. Describe a special meal you want to have (你想有的特殊的一顿饭) P3: 好的酒店服务需要什么? 是否不同季节要吃不同的东西?
4. Describe a time you saw a wild animal (描述你见过的野生动物)P3: 对动物园该不该发表建议和观点? 游客该不该给动物园喂食?zoo, 小孩是否喜欢? 把动物关在动物园是否正确? Pet, 为什么要养宠物? 为啥?
5. Describe an event in history in your country /Describe an important event in your country(描述你们国家的一个历史事件/国家的一重要事件) P3: Do you like history ? History museum useful ? Should museum be free? 未来的博物馆会有现在的什么物品作为文物? Should private person build museum ? How show lives 2000 years ago in the museums ?要是选择一样21世纪的东西在博物馆里向未来的人展示,你觉得应该选么? 你们都是怎么样学习历史和古代的历史伟人事件呢?
6. Describe a holiday you want to have in the future (描述你未来想拥有的假期) P3: 国人最喜欢的旅行地是哪? 旅行者对当地的人民生活影响是啥?
7. Describe a decision you disagreed with (who, what decision, have you told her or him, explain why you disagree) P3: 青少年有哪些艰难决定要做? 没做好决定的话有什么坏的影响? 怎么做好决定?如何使用这些方法? 为啥有些人还是不用这些方法? 为什么有人用了这些方法还是没做好决定? 还有啥其它决定年轻人应该自己做?
8. Describe an experience in countryside (什么时候去的,和谁去,去做什么,然后为什么是enjoyable )(描述一下你在乡村度过的美好一天) P3: 为什么有人愿意留在农村? 乡村和城市有什么不同? 现在的乡村跟过去比有什么不同?
9. Describe an unforgettable experience (描述一次难忘的经历)(时间,地点,为什么记忆深刻)P3: 待更新.
10. Describe a plan which is irrelevant to your work and study (描述一个跟你工作和学业无关的人生规划) P3: 你认为人们每天需要做的计划是什么? 你喜欢做计划么? 有些人不喜欢做计划,为什么?你觉得大多数人能完成他们的Plan 吗? 什么愿意呢? 你觉得人应该有Plan 还是做喜欢做的? 年轻人考虑工作的原因? 家庭对选择工作的影响? Salary 对工作的影响?
11. Describe your experience on good service , a shop or restaurant ( when , where, what, how is you feeling) (描述一个经历的好的服务) P3: Service in large shop and small shop different ? how people do when they get bad service ? why some people don’t know what service is good ?
12. Describe unusual activities you did in free time (sth. You didn’t often to do) (描述你业余时间做的不同寻常的活动) P3: 男女之间Free time 差异是啥? 以前的人和现在的人free time 数量差异,做的事情的差异是什么? Children free time做什么?
13. Describe a time when something made you laugh (描述让你发笑的一次经历) (what it was , when and where, who was with you, and explain why you remember it) P3: Is comedy popular in China? Are there any other form of comedy beside the comedy on TV? What are the differences between comedies in books and those on TV? Why comedy is used as advertisements ?
14. Describe a wedding you attended (描述你参加过的一个婚礼) ( who, when, ) P3: 什么年龄结婚最好? Why?
15. Describe a time you used imagination (描述你发挥想象力的一次经历) P3: 什么children need imagination 吗? 什么职业需要想象力?
16. Describe an experience that you are not allowed use mobile phone ( 描述一次不允许带手机的经历) ( where , why, what did you do) P3: Different use phone of young & old people ? why ? your attitude ? 公共场合大声打电话什么影响?举例说明手机在生活上带来的很大的变化? 用手机拍照浪费时间么?
17. describe a busy time (描述忙碌的时刻) P3: 小孩应不应该有假期? 假期有什么好处? 压力对工作好不好? 工作强度大有什么优缺点?
18. Describe a different festive you had on a different place (描述再别的地方过一个不一样的节日) (在哪过,和谁过,在节日做什么) P3: 过节日哪些地方比较好? 如果你住在过节的地方,感觉如何?如果出国过节有些什么建议?
19. Describe a team work /project you did with others (描述一个团队活动) P3: 你觉得团队工作重要么? 团队工作对小孩好么? 作为组员,你应该怎么样? 作为组长,是不是应该承担更多的责任? 组长应该有什么样的特质?
20.Describe a time you forgot /missed an appointment (描述你失约的一次经历) P3: 有的family member 觉得learn or know family history is important and necessary . do you agree ? why ? what can Chinese usually do to remember sth.? Use notebook by age ? Do you think it is poplar to remember their grandparents and grand-grandparents ? what sort of things can we use to do this ?
21. Describe a happy event you prepared (描述你准备的一个快乐事件,what is the event, who help with you, why) P3:怎样准备一件事? 有什么是每天需要准备的? Better organized ?Social Media & Entertainment
1. Describe an expensive sport you want to learn (描述你想学的昂贵的体育)P3:你对一夜暴富的看法?
2. Describe a well-paid job you are good at (描述一个你擅长的高薪工作) P3:为什么有些工作工资高? 政府工作能赚非法钱么? 人民工资有高有底公平么? 工资高的人会lazy吗?
3. Describe a website you know (描述你知道的一个网站(how do you know ? 多经常去看这个website, why) P3:你觉得年轻人适合的上网年龄是几岁? 网络在几岁的年龄段最流行? 除了刚说的那个website还有什么吗? 觉得应该多上网么?政府和公司有责任限制网络上不好的信息么? 网购的利弊?老人会使用网站么?
4. Describe a movie you watched (描述一你喜欢的电影) P3: How to make a movie ? Does the billions of cost of movie is a waste ? 年轻人老年人喜欢什么电影? 喜不喜欢黑白电影?
5. Describe an activity that you feel excited (描述你感觉兴奋的一个活动) P3: Is it good for people to try news things ? why people today love to dangerous activities ? why some people are afraid to try new things ? what help do people need when they are trying new things ?为啥有人喜欢极限运动? 为什么有些人会死在极限运动中?
6. Describe an interesting tradition in your country (描述一个你们国家的有趣传统) P3: 中国哪个节日更重要? 人们对节日的态度有没变化? 人们生活方式有什么改变?
7. Describe an exciting activity but expensive ( 描述一个刺激又昂贵的活动) P3: 男女对于exciting的选择是啥?
8. Describe an interesting song ( 哪个国家的, 怎么发现的/谁教的,关于什么的,为什么有趣) P3: 音乐有哪些类型? 你认为音乐重要么? Why? 你们国家有什么儿童歌曲?年轻人喜欢的歌曲跟老年人是否相同? Why ? 电视真人秀节目通常都是什么人看? Why ? 歌曲和旋律在一首歌中哪个更重要?
9. Describe an ads you have seen recently (描述你最近看的一个广告) Part3 : Do you like watching ads ? where u can watch it from TV programs or radio ? what/how can catch people’s attraction about it effect on children ? are the price in the ads than in the shop ? Ads should be banned by the government ?
10. Describe a kind of weather you like (描述你喜欢的一天气, what weather, what do you do, how the weather affects your mood) P3: 季节的变化和穿衣服的变化? 天气对人们的影响? 看不看天气预报? 你喜欢变化多端的天气还是平静的好天气? What do you wear when it is cold outside ? why people need to wear think clothes when it is cold outside ?
11. Describe an interesting speech you or talk you have heard (描述你听到过的一个演讲或交谈,谁讲的,在哪讲的,讲了什么,为什么觉得有趣) P3: How to talk with children ? Something different when you talk to adults ? 怎么看让小孩听讲座? 为什么很多人演讲会紧张? 一个好的演讲者是什么样子的? 在学校的讲座有用么?用PPT 演示对演讲有好处么?
12. Describe a science course you learnt ( you want to learn ) (描述你喜欢科学课) P3: 科学受不受欢迎? 如果没有科学会怎么样? 博物馆的作用? 近100年最重要的发明? 科学课程在大学流行吗? 科学课程在高中重要吗?科学博物馆的作用?
