2016-08-02编辑: 环球教育来自: 环球教育整理
Undeniably, traveling can always loosen people up, but sometimes it can also make people gloomy. When I finished my high entrance exam, my parents took me to Beijing in that summer, and the fact is that I often take this trip now as I become a part-time tour guide in my holiday.
用一个Undeniably做为开头,首先对【旅行这件事儿】做了一个系统阐述——旅行确实可以让人开心,但是有时候也能让人很SAD……然后就按时间点开始说在XX时候的时候,这样的总分说法,比你们一上来就【when I was XXX】是不是要高级不少呢?
As a matter of fact, that trip is the one that I can never forget in my whole life because every time when I think about it, I feel disgusted. Beijing is one of the most famous tourist cities in China. However, there is a kind of special traveling group in Beijing. We call that trip exploring universities. Middle school students from all over China will be pushed by their parents to visit some top universities in Beijing. And what they can visit in Beijing is only universities. You can imagine how boring the trip is. Unluckily, I used to be one of them.
而unluckily,I used to be one of them这样地道又俏皮的说话方式,也很容易引起考官的好感呢~
同时注意本段中 be pushed by 这种用法,也是非常地道,也充分反映出了自己的不满。其实,雅思口语考试并不一定一味地需要高级词汇,有几个亮眼词汇,就已经足够。
Well, my parents and I spent a whole day in Beijing, and visited 8 universities there. We saw 8 campuses in so-called distinct styles. For me, in fact they were all the same. And we even visited some classroom buildings, dorms, canteens, gyms and so on. From my point of view, what I should have visited is some tourist attractions like the Great wall and Summer Palace, but the truth was that this short trip really made me down. I could see the same disappointment from all other young guys. On the contrary, our parents were all excited about what they saw, and they kept imagining that one day their kids can study there.
本段中的亮眼句当然是【I could see the same disappointment from all other young guys.】然后再说家长们都很兴奋地在幻想孩子们以后在名牌大学入读的情况。这种反差,即使在考官看来,也是十分有趣的一种经历,毕竟,歪果仁的好(八)奇(卦)心可一点不比我们少!
on the contrary,又一个地道用法,即使用在作文中也会加分。
Provided who has visited a certain university can get more possibility to receive an offer from this university, there is no doubt that I can visit it every day. Howbeit, the fact is this kind of trip is totally meaningless.
在经过了几段简单的叙述之后,结尾段终于放大招啦!配合从句进行了对此次旅游的总结,并陈述出【如果说参观大学就能获得录取通知书,那我可以每天都去看啊~】这样的观点,同时用the fact is this kind of trip is totally meaningless这样的句子来呼应一开始【disgusted】。简直想不给高分都困难呢。
