2015-07-01编辑: Lucy来自: 互联网
Some people prefer to help or support directly in the local community for people who need it, however, others prefer to give money to the nations or international charities, discuss both sides and give your opinion 有人认为给需要救助的人自己的帮助更加可取,有人认为给有需求的国家或国际援助组织提供经济援助更加重要,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。
Developing countries require help offered by international organizations to ensure healthy and sustainable development. Some people think that financial aid is important. Others believe that practical aid and advice is more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 有人认为经济援助之重要的,有人认为实际的帮助和建议重要,你的观点是什么?
首段;背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
It is not rare to see that some well-to-do countries like to give financial aid or other forms of assistance to poor ones. Conflicting ideas clash in whether or not economic donation is the best effective means of assistance. Speaking for myself, those developed countries should assume the responsibility of helping those countries, which are still suffering from the agonies of popular disease, poor education and undeveloped trade. However, financial aids have both its merits and demerits, other suitable ways of assistance should be considered.
解析:It is not rare to see that …… 这一点很常见
解析:Conflicting ideas clash in whether or not 关于是否应该……,人们持有不同意见
解析:Financial aids have both its merits and demerits 经济援助有利有弊
Indeed, some arguments could be explored to justify that those well-off countries ought to give a financial aid to the poverty-stricken nations’ charities. For a start, it is out of the reason of humanism and could benefit the straitened nations directly. More precisely, financial beneficence from the developed countries could help to accelerate the construction of infrastructure and establishing more houses. Also, when some rich countries donate large sums of money to those needy countries, more job opportunities could be created and thus living standards of the poor countries could be enhanced.
解析:Indeed, some arguments could be explored to justify that 的确,为证明……是合理的,我们是可以找到一些理由的
解析:……could benefit the straitened nations directly v可以使贫困国家直接受益
解析:Living standards of the poor countries could be enhanced 贫困国家的生活水平可以被提高
Nonetheless, we should be alert to the possible risks of economic assistance. For one thing, it might make needy countries become over-dependent on the donors. For another, international aid might bright about possible political interference and economic exploitation. Apart from financial aids, there are still many other options available to assist the undeveloped nations. One way is by opening up trade barriers, which enables the poor countries to sell their goods. Another way is to forgive economic debts so that the self-supporting ability of the poor nations could be promoted. Eventually, the teams of volunteer teachers and doctors from rich countries could be dispatched to the impoverished countries to take the responsibilities of educational and medical assistances.
解析:It might make needy countries become over-dependent on the donors. 经济援助也许会使贫困国家对于援助国更加依赖
解析:International aid might bright about possible political interference and economic exploitation. 国际援助也许会带来政治干预和经济掠夺
解析:open up trade barriers v开发贸易壁垒
解析:forgive economic debts v免除经济债务
解析:The teams of volunteer teachers and doctors from rich countries could be dispatched to the impoverished countries 可以向贫困国家派驻教师和医生。
In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that economic assistance has both pros and cons during the process of international assistance, other forms of helps could be advocated such as eliminating trade barriers, freeing economic debts and appointing medical or educational teams.
解析:other forms of helps could be advocated 应该提倡其他形式的援助
1. needy = poverty-stricken = impoverished adj 贫困的
2. well-to-do nations = affluent countries = better-off nations n富裕的国家
3. under-developed countries and areas n不发达的国家和地区
4. donors = donor countries n援助国
5. beneficence = donations n援助物资
6. international aid and assistance 国际援助
7. is out of the reason of humanism v出于人道主义
8. accelerate the construction of infra-structure v加速基础设施建设
9. be alert to the possible risks of v对于……的可能的风险保持警惕
10. political interference and economic exploitation n政治干预和经济掠夺
11. more likely to generate the poor countries’ economic reliance v容易造成经济依赖
12. free the economic debt v免除经济债务
13. eliminate the trade barrier and open up the trade barrier v消除贸易壁垒和免费经济债务
14. be dispatched = be assigned v被分派去做……
15. consider actual requirements v考虑到实际需求
