2017-08-31编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 互联网
1. Do you often like to sing?
Yeah! Singing is my favorite pastime. Whenever I go to the karaoke club with my friends, I won’t let go of the microphone and others have to wait for a long time before they get their turn to sing.
Well, I hardly ever sing ‘cause I’m a little self-conscious about my singing voice. I’ve told that it sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard. And I’m always out of tune, so it’s not a pleasant experience to hear me sing.
Well, once in a while I like to hum the tune/melody, ‘cause most of the time I couldn’t remember the lyrics exactly, except for the chorus (高潮、副歌).
2. When do you like to sing? How much time do you spend on singing every day?
这个题问的莫名其妙是因为我们唱歌的时候不计时的好么… 而且心情好不自主的就唱起来了自己都没有意识的… 好吧,尝试答一下:
I guess I would sing, I mean hum, when I’m in a good mood. And to be honest, I always do this unconsciously, for example, if I listen to a song repeatedly, then probably I just can’t get the melody out of my head, and I would start to sing. So actually it’s hard to say how much time I spend doing this every day.
Well, I always feel like singing when I’m in the shower. I find it a perfect way to help me relax after a long day’s work/study.
3. What kinds of music do you like to sing?
Well, that totally depends on my mood. I mean, if I’m in a party spirit, I would choose to sing songs with a strong beat, and I could even dance to it. However, when I’m not that high, I prefer songs that have a slow and dreamy melody.
Pop songs, ‘cause they are catchy. / The lyrics are easy to remember and the melody is not that hard to learn.
4. Is it difficult to sing well?
Yeah, I think it is. Some people are blessed with an amazing singing voice and awesome sense of rhythm, but not everyone is so lucky. Most people don’t have the gift, so they need years of practice to sing well. And for those who are always out of tune, it’s even harder.
5. Do you want to be a singer?
Not really. For one thing, I don’t think I have what it takes to be a qualified singer, I mean, my singing voice is not that appealing, and I couldn’t hit high notes, my voice would just crack. And for another thing, being a celebrity means that I need to give up some of my privacy, you know, I just don’t like it.
这里再乱入一道新话题celebrity的关于privacy的小题,就是Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy? 那一般答案肯定是要保护啦:
Yeah, definitely! Sometimes we tend to forget that celebrities are also human beings, and their privacy needs to be respected as well. Maybe being on the news is part of their job, but we shouldn’t disturb their personal life, I mean, sometimes the paparazzi are way out of line.
6. Who is your favorite singer?
Well, I’m a huge fan of XX who’s a famous Chinese singer and composer. He has won countless awards and he’s well liked by millions of young people.
7. Is singing popular in your country?
Is XXX popular in your country? 这种问题,光说自己喜欢或者你妈你爸喜欢貌似不太妥当,因为毕竟咱家不能speak for all Chinese people, 于是此时的打法就是用事实说话,举能反映该activity在中国很popular的例子来证明。例如,你经常会看到老人们在公园吊嗓子,青少年聚会的场所首选KTV,江边遛弯的时候会看到聚堆儿的民间艺人吹拉弹唱,等等。
Yeah, it is. We can know that from various talent shows on TV, which are all about singing, for example, The Voice of China, I’m the Singer and things like that. People from all age groups sign up for the open audition(海选), so it’s fair to say singing is pretty popular in my country.
8. What makes a singer popular all over the world?
Well, first of all, he or she has to have real talent. People admire them not just because of their attractive appearance, but also their excellent work. And their personality is also an important factor. People tend to love those singers who are straightforward, modest and compassionate.
9. Why do many people what to be famous through singing?
Maybe they have this talent and want to be recognized. And they just enjoy being in the spotlight and other’s admiration. Also, most of them believe that singers can make easy money in the show business (娱乐圈).
