2016-07-28编辑: 环球教育来自: 环球教育杨亮
In many countries, women now are able to join the armed forces on equal basis with men; however, some people feel that only men should be members of the army, navy or air force. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Wars, the most inhumane activities having killed billions of people in the history, are always thought to be severely cruel to humans, consequently leading to the illusion that females with emotional and physical vulnerableness should be kept away from wars, and namely they are not suitable for serving as soldiers at all.
It is widely accepted that the ideology of sexual equality should be diffused in our society, and authorities should try their best to eliminate sexual discrimination via offering fairness for females to take jobs in all walks of life. By analogy, joining in the army is the basic right that females should deserve. An example in point is that in most of countries all over the world, serving for the army is the basic right and obligation that every citizen owns.
Some objectors, nevertheless, hold the standpoint that all positions in the army are quite physically demanding so that females with relatively lower physical strength are not as competitive as males for taking positions like these. Notwithstanding, females should be given the right to choose whether they are willing to compete with males for these opportunities or not. On top of this, in modern army, there are obviously many positions without demanding strong physique, due to utilization of a growing number of high-tech devices.
According to the specialty of personality that females have, such as carefulness, circumspection and patience, they can easily perform considerably better than males on some certain positions. There is no denying that females are likely to perform well as members of medic teams, the imperative department for the army. Moreover, modern wars require plenty of intelligence service, a platform for females to give full play to their particular characters to cope with every tiny piece of information they have concerning the opponents.
As has been analyzed above, not only do females have right to choose to serve for the army but also they can easily find out many suitable positions where they are definitely able to perform substantially better than males.
