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2018-10-16编辑: 长安来自: 环球教育
Team activities can teach more important skills for life than those activities that are played alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20180929
第一,题中可没有说"教孩子",那么如此一来那些针对school children的讨论恐怕就有些偏题了,往往只能是本文的例子而已。
第三,skills for live,这个概念比较清晰,但是不太具体。它可能包括的技能千千万万,我们在局促的篇幅和有限的时间之内不可能面面俱到,所以陆哲老师非常不建议考生们通过比较抽象的论述只针对这个生活技能讨论。相反,我希望大家可以通过具体的生活技能来把AB两种办法进行比较即可。这样的方式虽不严谨,但是绝对符合雅思写作的要求。也正因如此,本例文其实只针对了两个生活技能:团队意识和交流能力。
There is no doubt that during taking part in both individual and group activities participants are able to master or practice some life skills. Thus, the public is concerned about whether there are more similar skills that people can learn from doing some team activities than individual ones.
Primarily, being team members, people can readily understand the significance of team spirit. To win or accomplish a task successfully and smoothly, every team member should work together with might and main. As a result, what those team members can profoundly understand is what they can achieve in the team is far more than what they can do individually. This is definitely how people's awareness of team work can be built. By contrast, being the only participant of an activity hardly can people understand how important team work is, since whatever they can gain merely depends on how many efforts they make. Hence, instead of the cooperative awareness, those people can probably only learn the individualistic heroism.
Additionally, some interpersonal communication skills can be greatly practiced while people work with others. Doing a cooperative activity, people need to express their own ideas first, and secondly be good listeners. After all team members voice their opinion, thirdly they will come to the discussion, where they are required to think critically, to make a compromise, and to be responsible. This is to say, during the whole process, the skills that those participants are practicing are exactly what they need to handle some difficulties and troubles in their lives. On the contrary, working alone makes them have to be the decision makers all the time, and consequently they might be sealed in a self-enclosed world.
On balance, this essay does not deny that people may learn some useful skills by solo activities, whereas according to the above analysis group activities are absolutely teaching participants more essential skills.
