2019-06-26编辑: Hosea来自: 互联网
例:剑七Test2 Passage2 第14题
题目:ACost Involved in Purifying Domestic Water
分析:看到关键词cost, 立马寻找全文是否有带有金钱符号的数字。扫读过后发现文章D段和E段都有,而E段数字最多,所以从E段看起。在E段第二行找到定位句:“£23m for the removal of the bug cryptosporidium from drinking water by water companies.”去除removal和purify改写,花费是£23m, 快速得出答案。
例:剑九Test2 Passage1 第6题
题目:The Estimated Proportion of Children in New Zealand with Auditory Problems
分析:看到关键词proportion, 直接寻找百分比数字,扫读全文,发现只有A段有。细读定位句:“The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10% of children in that country are affected by hearing loss.” “auditory problems”与“hearing loss”改写,得出答案就在A段。
考生在看到Stages/Steps/Process等表示阶段的抽象名词时,可以联想到first, second等序数词,或是at the beginning, then,followed by, at last…等表示顺序的词。
例:剑七Test2 Passage2 第15题
题目:The Stages in the Development of the Farming Industry
分析:看到关键词stages, 寻找表示顺序的词,找到B段开头:“First mechanization, then mass use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, then monocultures, then battery rearing of livestock, and now genetic engineering.”
First, then, then, and now这些跟stages对应,讲到的都是跟农业有关的阶段,因此判定在B段。
Term, Expression这样的词在雅思阅读中一般代指专业术语,考生在看到这样的词时应联想到去找原文带有特殊形式的专有名词,即大写词、斜体字、粗体字、带有引号或者冒号的词,这种词一般也是比较显眼的。
(1)若题干中有First, overview, introduction等表示开始,引入,介绍的词,对应定位点往往在文章的前几段。
例:剑6 Test3 Passage1 第1题
题目:The Location of the First Cinema
分析:看到关键词location联想去找大写地名,看到关键词first联想定位点的位置比较容易在文章前几段出现。在A段找到定位句:“The Lumiere Brothers opened their Cinematographe, at 14 Boulevard des Capucines in Paris, to 100 paying customers over 100 years ago, on December 8, 1895.” 根据“open”确定是“first”的改写,看到地点名Paris, 因而确定答案就在A段。
(2)若题干中有Final, future, conclusion, suggestion, solution等表示总结、建议、最后的词,对应定位点往往在文章的最后。
例:剑9Test2 Passage2 第16题
题目:a statement about potential future discoveries leading on from transit observations
分析:看到关键词future discoveries, 联想有可能是在文章最后提到,直接找到文章最后一句话,“But such transits have paved the way for what might prove to be one of the most vital breakthroughs in the cosmos— detecting Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars.” 即“凌日的观察有可能会为宇宙研究最大突破之一铺路——即探测地球般大小围绕其他恒星旋转的行星。”句子意思表达的就是potential future discoveries的改写,因而确定答案。
例:剑9 Test2 Passage1 第3题
题目:A Hypothesis as to One Reason behind the Growth in Classroom Noise
分析:看到关键词classroom noise, 我们联想到后面的多选题11题和12题的题干:
“The list below includes factors contributing to classroom noise.
Which TWO arementioned by the writer of the passage?”
多选题已经提到关键词classroom noise, 由于先做过多选,我们很容易就联想到在同一个段落B段,定位点和段落搭配考点重合,找到定位词所在的句子,“A preliminary study in New Zealand has shown that the classroom noise presents a major concern for teachers and pupils.” 接着往下看,找到这样的句子,“Education researchers Nelson and Soli have also suggested that recent trends in learning often involve collaborative interaction of multiple minds and tools as much as individual possession of information. This all amounts to heightened activity and noise levels.” 由此我们找到了在教室中噪音增加的假设,确定答案就是B段。
