2016-08-15编辑: 环球雅思来自:
9. 表示“占据”
01) make up
02) take up
03) account for
04) be composed of
05) constitute
06) comprise
07) have/be/reach/hit
10. 表示“关于”
01) about
02) regarding
03) concerning
04) related to
05) with regard to = as to:关于,就…而论(做状语)
11. 表示“时间”
01) between the year 1995 and 2000
02) since then
03) from now/then on
04) over/during the period from 1995 to 2000
05) by the end of 2005
06) from the 1970s onwards/from 1994 onwards
07) for ten years or so/at least
08) in those/the given years/period(s)
09) aged + 岁数
10) aged between…and… = aged from…to…
11) in the following three years/ period
12) over the course of the last century
13) a 100-year period
14) throughout the five years from 1995 to 2000
15) a ten-year high = a new high in the ten-year period
16) a new high/low
12. 表示“比较”
01) 倍数 + as + 形容词 (+ 名词 + 动词) as
02) more than + 倍数 + as + 形容词 + as...
03) 数字/百分数/倍数 + 比较级 + than
04) 数字/百分数/倍数 more + 名词 + than...
05) 数字 + more +名词 e.g. 1000 more dogs:一百多只狗
06) A is + 倍数 + as likely to do sth. as B
07) A is + 百分数 + up/down + on B:A比B 高/低 x%
08) more than + 数字/百分数 = over… = above…
09) less than + 数字/百分数 = under…
10) outgrow(比…快)、outweigh(比…重要)、outnumber(比…多)、outpace(追过)、 overtake(赶上)
11) 表名次:first(place)、second(place)、third(place)…、number 1、number 2、number 3…
12) slip to + 名次:滑到…
13) plummet to + 名次:快速落到…
14) lead + 名词 (+in the race of) = be ahead of + 名词:领先于…
15) be at ahead
16) followed by + 名词(当状语):后面紧接的是…
17) following + 名词(当状语) = behind + 名词:落后于…
18) follow behind (+in/sb.):落后
19) rank first(etc.) (on the list)/top five
20) a fourth lowest on record
21) come + 名次 = come in at + 名次
22) next comes + 名词:接着是…
23) A beat B into + 名次:A打败B,使B成为…
24) rise two places to + 名次:提高2个名次成为…
