2018-01-10编辑: 天空来自: 互联网
Below are some topics that are frequently used in Part 3. Often, several ofthese topics are combined. For example, differences between the attitudes ofyoung people and old people towards the news.
· art
· change
· child development / how to raise a child
· culture (including your national culture)
· differences between young people and old people
· education
· history
· human psychology / people's motives and feelings / personality types
· human relations
· information and communication / types of information / the media (boththe entertainment media and the news media) / news
· leisure
· male-female differences
· personal qualities needed for different vocations (different careers ordifferent kinds of work)
· science and technology
· skills / the formation of skills / skills needed for different kinds ofwork
· society
· the environment
· the problems of old people
· values, attitudes and beliefs / the formation of or sources of values,attitudes and beliefs / the influences that can cause changes in attitudes,values and beliefs
· work
