2019-03-08编辑: Hosea来自: 互联网
some people believe that spending money on developing technology for space exploration is unjustifiable, there are more beneficial ways to spend money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
太空探索 VS 其他更有好处的领域,支持抽象的立场,会比较容易论证,因为论证自己立场时,思维就不受题目关键词的局限,同样当反对另一方具体的立场时,也比较有针对性。
·space exploration:尖端科技,同大众关系不大(对应后面more beneficial ways,是对大众有利的)
·more beneficial ways:对大众有利(如教育,医疗,交通等)
It has long been a controversy how the government should spend the taxpayers’ money. While millions of dollars are invested in cutting-edge sciences like space exploration every year, there is an opposition claiming that the state funds should have been used in more beneficial areas. To me, I tend to agree with this statement as the general public deserves more priority than the outer darkness.
Granted, researching space does have its exclusive advantages, thought it only works in a fairly limited area. The primary reward lays emphasis on the development of aerospace technology, which can be used in some industries as aviation and military realms, such as satellites and inter-continental missiles. Also, another neglected factor is the employment behind those research plans. Without the subsidy from authority, hundreds of unprofitable projects may have to be cancelled, which means the loss of jobs for many researchers.
However, the star ships cannot tackle thetraffic congestionon the road, while taxpayers are more concerned about the concrete benefits in their real lives. If more budget could be allocated to public services, the living standard of the majority would have been increased to a large extent. For example, with sufficient financial support, more subway and sky train systems could be constructed to alleviate the traffic problems, which means not only the ease of congestion, but also the decrease of the emissions from vehicles on the road.
Moreover, the government sponsorship in education will bring more scholarship and student funding, meaning that more children from less well-off families can enjoy equal educational opportunities. Taking this point to a further step, the reduction of juvenile delinquency is inextricably bound up with the education level of younger generation.
In conclusion, important though the space exploration is, an increase on my pay check is more compelling to me than the dark side of the moon.
cutting-edge science
the state funds
traffic congestion
less well-off families
juvenile delinquency
inextricably bound up with
