2017-08-31编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 互联网
1. Do you like to take photographs? Why or why not?
Yeah! I’m a big fan of it. Whenever I go travelling or see something interesting or hilarious that I want to share with others, I would take out my phone and click! I just find it a perfect way to capture precious moments and record unforgettable experiences, you know, the places I’ve been to, the things I’ve done, and stuff like that.
Well, not really, mostly because I’m not very skillful. No one wants to be model, ‘cause they always look either too fat or too short in my pictures.
2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? And why?
Well, I prefer taking selfies,’cause to be honest, I’m not very photogenic, I always look horrible in pictures. However, when I take selfies, I could adjust the angle before I take the picture, (此处应有body language) and the best part is I could touch it up later in some beauty Apps, so that I could make sure every one of my selfies looks fabulous.
3. How long have you liked taking photography?
Wow, it’s been a while. I couldn’t remember exactly when I first started to show an interest in photography. I could only recall that back then, people were still using cameras with films, you know. So you could tell it’s a long time ago.
4. How (why) did you become interested in photography?
Well, I guess I could fall in love with photography all because of my mom. She gave me a second-hand camera when I was little, and she even signed up for a class for me. Honestly I don’t remember anything I learned in that class, but obviously that’s a good start, I mean, it sparked my interest.
5. How often do you take photographs?
Pretty much every day. I mean, taking pictures with smart phones is incredibly convenient. Whenever I see something funny or unusual, I would take a picture and post it online to share with my friends.
6. In what situations do you take photographs?
Special occasions like wedding ceremony, graduation party or birthday parties.
A funny sign on the road. 有时候路牌或指示牌也会挺逗的。
An interesting license plate of a car. 看到好玩儿的车牌号也要拍拍啦。
Before having a hearty dinner. 吃饭前先把手机喂饱再说。
Travel. 旅行不拍照,你干嘛去了…… (妈妈的观点)
