

  雅思口语中有关高薪职业,我们最容易想到什么doctor啦,或者lawyer什么的,但是……咱们貌似说不明白啊,所以,还是挑个咱们最熟悉的行业—“教师”聊聊吧。  Well, I guess I could be a...【详情】【我要提问】

  Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with.描述一个你不同意的决定。  You should say:  What the decision was;  How it was made;  What you disagreed with;...【详情】【我要提问】


  雅思口语Part2话题:Decision you disagree with和大家分享。  Topic:Describe a decision made by others that you disagree with.  You should say:  who made this decision ...【详情】【我要提问】

  雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:two people from the same family和大家分享。  Describe two people who you know from the same family.  描述两个来自于同一个家庭的人。  You should ...【详情】【我要提问】

  关于“改变生活的发明”这个雅思口语主题,最容易想到也最容易说的,就是智能机啊!不管多俗多没新意,由于实在有太多可以讲的,就放心大胆的跟雅思考官聊吧。  I think the most...【详情】【我要提问】

  雅思口语话题:An interesting talk or speech that you heard.考生要注意重点在于描述为什么你觉得这个演讲有趣,以及你从这个演讲中学到了什么。  Cue Card  Describe an interesting...【详情】【我要提问】

  雅思口语话题题库:Describe a kind of vegetable or plant  You should say:  what it is;  what it looks like;  where it grows;  and explain why you like it.  雅思口语...【详情】【我要提问】

  关于雅思口语building这个话题,常考的有an interesting building或者a historical building,下面环球教育雅思老师给出了一篇雅思口语 an interesting building的范文  • What is the...【详情】【我要提问】



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